Flat ThoughtsA response to learning about the True Earth debate

Isaiah 40:22

“God sits above the circle of the earth. The people below seem like grasshoppers to him! He spreads out the heavens like a curtain and makes his tent from them.”

Psalm 104:5

“He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.”

Disclaimer: This is an ongoing summary of personal response with notes from research. I am a Christian exploring the world we live in. I hold no degrees in this field. Do your own research. There is wording directly from others mixed in from notes. There are sources at the bottom. Be blessed!


I hear it only takes 1 or 2 generations for new beliefs to be accepted into the culture and school system. Things happen quickly. Consider the sexual revolution of the 60’s and 70’s to where we are today with what’s taught to children. We often hear the people in power telling us “the winners write history.” So they just happen to be the good guys this time?

“I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers”.

– Rockefeller, shaped school systems and made textbooks

I’d rather be a thinking worker.

It’s not common knowledge that there’s a “crisis in cosmology” today. Recent images from cosmic radiation maps, called the Cosmic Microwave Background, depict the universe being arranged around us. Contrary to what mainstream science used to teach, it shows we are indeed at the center of it all. We were told to be a speck of dust in the corner of an ever expanding universe. Physicists say this finding now leaves us with two explanations: Multiverse or God. We should find it interesting how the Multiverse Theory is pushed heavily in Marvel movies today.

Here is a relevant documentary that gets into the details explaining the CMB:
The Principle Documentary

“One of the most surprising findings is that the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave radiation temperatures at large angular scales do not match those predicted by the standard [Big Bang] model.”

– The European Space Agency, Planck Probe 2013

It’s time to start looking under the hood.

“The Encyclopedia was the flame of the Enlightenment, the fulfillment of Cardinal Wolsey’s dream of flooding the world with print containing “learning against learning”. (1473-1530)

– F. Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil (2001), 117.

I’ve learned that for years now people are noticing we can see further than we should be able to. People can go out and take video and pictures while calculating how much curvature there should be. Here is an earth curvature calculator to test it yourself. People are also sending up high-altitude balloons to get videos from over 100,000 feet. It’s calling into question what we’ve been taught. For us to even consider that the earth is not curving, we need to temporarily suspend belief in what we were told. From listening to arguments of “flerfs” (flat-earthers), I came to realize I didn’t know or understand what it was I thought I believed. When I heard detailed claims of the globe model it was almost as if to be hearing them for the first time.

Since everything I see and do in daily life is operating like the earth is flat and stationary, I was willing to listen to the debate. After all, it’s not a debate that we were too young to have critical thinking skills when they taught us we lived on a ball in space. People don’t seem to question it because it’s been woven into our worldview since we were toddlers. I’ve never subscribed to the other ideas they push such as the Big Bang and Evolution, as I was older and developed a general Christian worldview, so why not take a critical look at other big claims they make. If you think this is strange to question, do you know that they updated the Big Bang theory to say that there must have been an energy to start it all? I remember being told it all came from nothing.

The basics of the globe model say we are free-falling through the galaxy at 1.3 million mph, spinning 1,037 mph (at the equator), orbiting the sun at 67,100 mph (which is 93 million miles away) and together with the sun and moon we’re orbiting around the center of our galaxy at some 447,000 miles per hour, and we have up to 4 wobbles? I would think the average person doesn’t know or remember all this from school, as I didn’t until recently. But I must say it sounds a bit fantastic how they could figure all these incredible speeds and yet we feel no motion at all. I actually remember them telling me as a kid that we were rotating and I recall thinking I must have gotten acclimated while in my mother’s womb. And yet we look at large lakes and they sit perfectly still. We must have breezed over all the details in school cause we were moving so fast.

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled.”
Mark Twain

Just sit still for a bit, realize you’re not moving.

“He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God’;”
Psalm 46:10

There are examples in the model that seem to defy laws of physics. For instance, in order for gas to move in the layers of atmoSPHERE as the earth spins, the higher you go in the layers, the faster the gas would need to go to stay with the earth, so it would need more energy. We know from the Law of Conservation of Energy that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another, so we don’t know where the new energy comes from to speed up the gases to move with the earth. Gases would have to increase speed as it travels a greater distance than the earth’s surface. This is just one example of many that they don’t have answers for.

Side note: I find it interesting that they’ve use the word “sphere” with “atmoSPHERE” and other terms to try to solidify their belief with labels. I looked up the origins of the word and it was used in reference to the moon, which appears to be spherical. So it wasn’t until later they started using it in reference to the earth.

There is an Atmo-sphæra, or an orbe of grosse vaporous aire, immediately encompassing the body of the Moone.

– 1638 : Bishop J. Wilkins, Discovery of World in Moone x. 138

Yet we still have airPLANES, the word “horizon” that means HORIZONTAL, meaning parallel lines (also refers the the god “Horus”, the “eye of Horus”), and sea LEVEL means level. Why not “sea CURVE”? Water always finds level. A large lake that gives us a clear reflection of a mountain could not work if it was convex. The reflection would warp like a carnival mirror or the back of a spoon. This proof is called specular reflection. It might seem silly at first to bring up words that should have more obvious meanings, but I believe there’s some suspicious truth to it.

If we are honest with ourselves, the claims attached to the earth being a sphere has the burden of proof. Things we see in everyday life like sunsets are explained by perspective rather than dropping around a spinning ball. People still seem to think sunsets are based on an actual location of curve on the earth, but it has been shown that it is simply “going forth” as the bible says multiple times.

Psalm 19:6
“His (the sun’s) going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.”

See here a sunset in Afghanistan where the sun gets smaller as it goes away .

The mainstream used to say you’ll see curvature at the beach but they have updated the claim and now say you won’t be able to see any curvature, even when in airplanes, yet they taught me in school that we could see boats curving over the horizon. Globers like Neil Degrass Tyson testify that you will not be able to see any curvature of the earth even from a high altitude plane . This is an important note I’ve learned that the mainstream science has continually moved the goal post when it comes to making claims about the globe and how we can observe the model working. If you want visible evidence of a curve, it comes down to trusting pictures “taken from the moon” and the ISS, which routinely gets caught faking being in space .

There has been footage released from Apollo 11 showing that they doctored the view of earth through the window to make it appear as a sphere. The footage also captures the “astronauts” discussing how the footage isn’t live and how they blackout all the interior lights to create the effect.

Apollo 11 clip

If you are able to have patience to review the evidence of the issues, starting with the space missions, you’ll come to realize there isn’t definitive evidence that the earth is a sphere. I didn’t see any reason not to trust what I was taught about all this until I learned more about the origins of Heliocentrism. The founders of Heliocentrism , the Gregorian Calendar , Evolution , and the Big Bang , were all Jesuit priests that used their religious philosophy to determine explanation. I learned a lot of it reflects right back to Sol Invictus, the sun god of the Roman Empire. From there, I had many questions and began researching the claims of both the globe and flat earth to see if there was anything in question with what I was taught.

Heliosorcery Documentary

The origin of the Globular theory may be traced and shown to be Pagan. It was introduced into Egypt by the Greek Pythagoras, about 600 B.C. He was a native of Samos, and a great traveller in his early days. He travelled much in the East. And he imbibed the fallacious idea that the earth and sea together formed a whirling globe, and that the heavenly bodies were other worlds (inhabited). He also accepted the false doctrine of the transmigration of souls, from pagan magicians and Eastern inventors of romance and fiction…But the mystical pagan doctrines which he had brought from the East were sown in the two European countries, Greece and Italy; and faith in these pagan fables became widely spread; until Ptolemy, who lived contemporaneously with the early Christians, so scouted and denounced these false ideas, that all belief in the earth’s motions, and the transmigration of souls was entirely abandoned for 4oo years, i.e., until 1,600 A.D. , when Copernicus revived the whirling globe theory. Kepler and Galileo took up the hypotheses, followed by one of the greatest, if not the greatest mathematician the world has ever produced—namely, Sir Isaac Newton. However, the wisdom of mortals is no standard measuring rod of infallibility and Truth, Newton was no logician, and logic formed no part of his composition. Nor did he profess to possess this quality, which is absolutely essential to a discerner and founder of true Science.

The Romance of Science – Lady Blount

Falsifying the globe claim doesn’t mean there’s then an immediate answer to all the questions they claimed to have answers to. In terms of our observable reality, no one is claiming they don’t see things in the sky, there just may be alternatives to the presuppositions which determine how to get explanations. If you think the world is a sphere, this will influence how you explain all observations, but if you didn’t assume it was, the observations remain yet explanations will change. We know that all observations about the earth being a sphere have come from looking at the sky, not measurement of the earth. So it’s worthwhile exploring observations with an assumption that the earth is flat and stationary. Edwin Hubble said such explanation would mean the universe is much smaller and younger. Is that so bad?

“If the redshifts are a doppler shift…the observations as they stand lead to the anomaly of a closed universe, curiously small and dense, and, it may be added, suspiciously young.”

– Edwin Hubble

It is a fallacy to think falsification requires replacement. If you found out you were adopted, that doesn’t mean you all the sudden know who your biological parents are and neither should people expect you to. The flat-earth theory doesn’t claim to have all the answers and some of the questions about our reality may never have answers. I would suggest that this sort of humility should be encouraged. The scriptures describe this clearly:

“Just as the heavens cannot be measured and the foundations of the earth cannot be explored, so I will not consider casting them away for the evil they have done. I, the Lord, have spoken!”

– Jeremiah 31:37

We should have the freedom to explore if the mainstream explanations hold up under scrutiny without ridicule. From looking into this subject I’ve gained a greater understanding of what it was I thought I believed as well as a good amount of information I was not taught in school. The average person would think that science has come so far as to be able to create life, but they can not even make a cell. Cloning may be one thing, but it is entirely different from explaining how a cell could come to be created. The answer of “time” being some solution as if rolling the dice for long enough would eventually land on “life” is ridiculous. In the case of RNA, the primary hypothesis on how life might have started, you would only have hours for it to be used to create life even if you were there in a lab at the beginning and knew how. They don’t know how, yet people think science has all the answers. Many scientists seem to entertain that we have been seeded by aliens. Anything but God.

We’re told we can’t go back to the moon because we no longer have the technology, yet they tell us our cellphones today are better than the rooms of computers they had during the moon landing. I wonder, why do they tell us that? I started looking closely at photos and videos of the moon lander. I then thought, why do they name absolutely every mission after Greek gods? Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Titan – Centaur, Olympus, Ulysses, Mars, Juno, and then recent Artemis? People don’t find this odd?

I learned that the moon rock in a Dutch museum turned out to be petrified wood and they lost the telemetry data for the flight. I began learning of many holes in their stories. We should test their claims against what we know to be true and with common sense.

Now that I have a good amount of data from research, I can see the clues they give us are often clear and out in the open. I know most people can get on board with NASA being dishonest, as I did, but that doesn’t directly correlate to meaning the earth is not a sphere. I’ve come to witness that it all overlaps. Recently I saw on Sesame Street a woman points to a globe and spaceship on top of a bookshelf clearly labeled “Fiction” and says to Elmo “…this is the fiction section, fiction means it’s a made up story”. They make it obvious enough once you recognize it to a point where you can’t make this stuff up. The name “Sesame” Street comes from a magic incantation, “open – says-a-me“, and the show is an accepted authority to be teaching kids while they’re young and open.

I’m writing this not just to organize my surface-level research that led to grandeur suspicions of conspiracy, but to explain a bit about the journey. I’m not a qualified physicist by any means, but as a created being that has a relationship with the creator, should I not be able to give my observations without immediate ridicule? Does it require a physics degree to say the earth is a globe? If so, everyone that accepts the globe model should have one. Does a person need to go to Seminary to believe in Jesus? I think it all comes down to looking at the evidence of things and thinking for yourself since faith should be personal and stand firm on what you know to be true. Not just trusting the “authority” on the matter. After all, the Catholic Church used to not let the people have Bibles, why do you think that might have been the case?

It’s only from looking into this that I’ve realized the globe is still a theory that takes faith. There are no unaltered pictures showing a curvature. I didn’t understand that I was simply having faith in a narrative with dishonest images and I’m sure the average person doesn’t either. I soon found that everything I knew about the globe was ultimately a matter of trusting what I was told by an authority and not questioning it. I didn’t expect it would ever be up for discussion.

I was taught in school at a young age that this earth is all figured out and you can see the curvature when you go to the ocean and watch a ship go over the horizon. This no longer works because we have zoom cameras that show it’s just a matter of distance and perspective. Things in the distance will converge with the horizon at a vanishing point just like street lights on a long road look like they are going down and then disappear at our line-of-sight. Our eyes simply can’t see that far naturally due to angular resolution , but the zoom today can open up that field of vision and frankly we can see too far now.

I’ve come to learn that the training manuals for air pilots, helicopters, building engineers, weapons systems in the military, all say to operate under the assumption that the world is flat and stationary. In operating machines like helicopters, their manuals use flat, non-rotating Earth math and they clearly state it. People say “Well, the globe is just so big that you can’t tell!”. Ok, then how would anything be different if it was flat? Try to find something we do on earth that proves we are on a ball and be intellectually honest. Those that believe the earth is flat are proactively looking to find evidence of the earth being a sphere so if you can prove it, that would be of great service!

“The helicopter equations of motion are given in body axes with respect to a flat, non-rotating Earth.”

Cited in 15 official NASA papers.

This should make us wonder why they seem so eager to teach us as children that it’s a sphere. There are testimonies of airplane and helicopter pilots you can find online that say the earth is flat.

Pilot interview

My main bias with all this is that I believe the earth to be created by an intelligent designer, round or flat. So it doesn’t destroy my worldview to come to find the earth is not a globe. I don’t believe I need a scientific degree just to share what he’s been showing me and it aligns with scripture much more so than the globe. We should feel free and not fearful to observe the creation in a personal way because he made it for us. He encourages us to use our minds in wonder about his design and discuss it with others.

“Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. Do not scoff at prophecies, but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good. Stay away from every kind of evil.”

– Thessalonians 5:19

We shouldn’t have to blindly accept what “the experts” say without question. On the contrary, we are told in scripture that Satan is “the expert” deceiver. If he could deceive one third of the angels, should we think we’re wiser than those angels?

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

– Revelation 12:9-12

It’s noteworthy to mention that since accepting Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, society has been led to think that everything is relative. Especially morals. People are inclined to think that absolute truth doesn’t exist. Many are questioning if life might not be all an illusion or augmented reality as a simulation. The implications of this are deeper than people realize.

You’ll come to find that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was created to explain away the fact that they were not able to detect any motion of the earth. He explains that matter itself actually contracts in the direction of motion and the apparatus that was set to measure the alleged motion contracted just the sufficient amount to compensate for the missing time difference to make it look like the earth is stationary. The measuring tool they used literally shrank in order to fit their worldview.

We run into Solipsism, the theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and verified. And materialism, in the sense that matter is all that exists. Instead, I think it’s wise to start with Occam’s Razor that says the simplest explanation is usually the best one. Does this mean the simplest explanation is the correct one? No, but it’s a good place to start.

“It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.”

– Psalm 118:8-17

Please consider researching this subject yourself as well as reviewing these topics of debate that I’m noting evidence for. Just because you may not be a physicist or in these fields of study, it doesn’t mean you wont be able to understand the concepts and should just trust the “experts”. If you do, you are saying you just appeal to authority, so you would be admitting you just have faith in the science. As you study the evidence you will come to realize the globe theory is one that takes more faith. The actual science does not agree with the globe theory. Since I came to the knowledge of evidence that falsifies the globe model, I am researching daily about this world we live in. It is truly a miraculous and beautiful creation.

A baffling fact I’ve learned is that they’ve measured the temperature of the moonlight vs the moon’s shade and the light is colder than its shade. I’ve tested this myself with a laser thermometer and confirmed it’s true. It’s therefore a different type of light than the sun’s. This means that the moon is producing it’s own light and is not a reflection from the sun. Whatever causes the moon to produce the light that is different from the science. They wont tell us this because it destroys the model of what we’ve been told. Video description here .

“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”

– Werner Heisenberg

In looking at experiments done that have proven the earth to be stationary and flat, I would say mainstream science has gotten to the bottom of the glass and then flipped it over. Not only that, they are trying to “break the glass ceiling.”

If you think this is all crazy and just want to poke around some resources to start looking yourself, you can go here .

Trust the Science

If we were taught the world was flat in school, we certainly would have believed it. To trust the authority is our instinct because we presume they know better. There are elderly people still around today that say they were taught the earth was flat when they were young. Video here Teaching the globe must have come in during the 1920’s or 30’s. There are newspapers that have been exposed showing that teachers were getting arrested for teaching the globe in schools at this time. In 1920 there was mayor Wilbur Glenn Voliva of Zion Illinois that insisted only teaching the flat earth model.

They tell us to “Trust the Science”, just like we had to trust elementary school teachers. I remember my 5th grade teacher telling me I was wrong about Jesus being the Son of God. She said he was just a good teacher, insisted it, and that was the end of the conversation. We’re to respect and honor authority, but does that mean I should have accepted her answer as the truth? I wonder if she didn’t have the knowledge of who Jesus is in the scriptures, or perhaps she chose to make conclusions while rejecting evidence and forcing her beliefs on me.

Why would they tell us ”Trust the Science”? Does Science take faith? I don’t think it’s supposed to. “Science is a rigorous, systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world.” From what I’ve come to learn, I would suggest they are saying it takes faith because Science is actually part of their religion and it’s a false one. They’d rather you not know what they truly believe. If you look into the heliocentric origins and claims, you find it intertwined with ancient paganism and the occult. In the masonic magazine “The New Age”, a magazine for Freemasons, they talk about Freemasonry being a catalyst for Science. They do not care if something is true or not, they actually hate truth, the materialistic world is just a means to an end as if they are like gods. They worship the sun, among other things, so they’d rather have that in the center. “Helios” is the sun god in Greek mythology. In the occult they believe in inverting everything, and the way you invert something flat is make it a sphere. These origins of heliocentrism should not be overlooked and dismissed as traditions being humored.

“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen”

– Romans 1:25

A glaring example of their intention is the number 666 everywhere in their calculations and claims. Even the Force of Gravity itself uses 666 Newtons. “Use The Force, Luke” – Star Wars. (Space programming and occult in movies). Gravity was discovered in 1666, the globe is 6 x 6 x 600 nautical miles in circumference. The curvature in one mile squared is .666ft. The diameter of the moon is 6 x 6 x 60 miles. They say we revolve around the sun at 66,6000mph on an axil tilt of 66.6 degrees. (They say 23.4 to make it less obvious, but it’s 66.6 off 90.)

Does anyone not find this suspicious? I actually remember learning the 66.6N for gravity in school and thought it was a little odd, but I was young enough to brush it off as coincidental. As an adult, it’s difficult to think that all these coincidences of 666 could just be how God made the Earth for us. Knowing that we would discover this math and that the Bible says it’s the number of the beast, why would He design it that way? I believe it’s because they are lying alongside the beast who is the deceiver whom they themselves are deceived by. He is “the expert” so we should regularly step back to see if we are being lied to.

Thomas Kuhn said institutionalized science doesn’t happen the way we think it does.

“Once a paradigm becomes deeply entrenched and institutionalized, it often becomes dogmatic, hegemonic, and unyielding to falsification and change.”

– Thomas Kuhn

“The ‘core scientific ethic’ was falsifiability – meaning that all knowledge, at all times, should be exposed to constant and deliberate criticism.”

– Popper

But today they censor criticism.

“The stories and current assumptions of modern physics are “…creation myths written in the language of mathematics.”

– Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder, Research Fellow, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies.

You’ll come to realize that mainstream science has come up with terms like the “Fine-Tuning Problem” and “Axis of Evil” to describe observations that go against their paradigm. The Fine-Tuning Problem is a “problem” because it means something was designed and tuned. There is clear evidence of an intention behind creation. They give moral or emotional descriptors such as the “Axis of Evil” because it shows we are in the center, going against their desire for it to be chance or anything but God. They use religious terms to describe science and will call good evil and evil good. Scientism. Stephen Hawking often remarked about God and having no need for Him, and to do this he claimed Science can explain it all.

“God may exist, but science can explain the universe without the need for a creator.”

Stephen Hawking

Some more examples of the many problems they run into by ignoring God’s intelligent design include the Relic Particle Abundance Problem, Cosmological Constant Crisis, The Horizon Problem, Hubble Constant, Hubble Tension Problem…many problems. They often try to explain the errors away, but they wont go away. Missing energy to expand the universe and the rate at which it would expand. The numbers don’t match and not just a little bit, but on a grand scale. They are stuck.

The Flatness Problem is that the universe within their own paradigm is showing to be flat and with their cosmology it would require a very specific energy density that is so small it basically defies mathematical probability. Zero with 80 zeros. This falls under the umbrella of fine-tuning problems.

If we were truly accept the science, we would see they admit to us that the start of the firmament may be around 100km high. They have tested this “light-scattering” and from declassified documents we can read all about it. We have video and photo evidence showing the dome above us. The science of Michleson-Morley doing interferometry test shows the earth is stationary. All the science points to a stationary, non-rotating, topographical plane. It’s just a matter of looking at the evidence yourself instead of trusting the lies.

“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.”

1 Timothy 6:20-21

If you’re under the impression that the mainstream science has a correct and narrowed down perspective of the universe, it’s noteworthy to know that they often update numbers radically and say they have to reconsider things. For instance, they changed the distance to Polaris by 111 light years in 2013. They were off by 30%.

“Last November, astronomer David Turner made headlines by claiming that one of the sky’s best known objects—the North Star, Polaris—was actually 111 light-years closer than thought. If true, the finding might have forced researchers to rethink how they calculate distances in the cosmos as well as what they know about some aspects of stellar physics. ”

Polaris: Not So Close After All – Science.org

If they wanted to update the sizes and distances of the sun and moon, all they would need to do is then update other numbers to match proportionally. The numbers are not reality, they are just mathematical relationships, since you can’t go to the sun or moon to measure it. We can honestly say the sun and moon look the same size. That’s truly all we can say to be honest at the moment. “They appear to be the same size”. It also appears that the moon gives its own light. It does not look like a reflection. If you see a rock on earth, does it shine brightly like the moon to give you light to see at night? If you got closer to the moon it would have to get brighter and yet when they landed on it the surface was a dusty grey? In 1965 the scientist R. Foster said he theorized the moon to be plasma.

“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.”

Genesis 1:16

The more you look into this, you’ll come to trust your senses more and think more clearly. They don’t know what the sun and moon are made of. They show you images of the sun with it blazing flames, but when you look at it with a zoom camera to the same size as the images they show, there are no flames or anything of the sort. The sizes are just estimations based on observation from a distance and the numbers are based on assuming the earth is a sphere and Venus is the same size. How do they know that? So what if the earth wasn’t a ball? Well, for one, all these extravagant numbers they claim would be incorrect. The model of the universe needs to revert back to the past. Even just the CMB alone affirms this since it shows we are geocentric. Perhaps it has been a wasted number of years on false presumptions and tax-dollars towards a fake space program, but it would need to happen for cosmology to advance forward.

If you think a “flat” earth sounds strange, you should look at the mainstream model of the universe, it’s a cone or bell shape. If you turned it on its side you’d see the earth plane at the bottom and the universe above, just like in the flat earth model.

I used to believe the globe model fit into the Bible’s description because of the “circle of the earth” passage Isaiah 40:22. “God sits above the circle of the earth.” What I didn’t realize was the word “ball” was used earlier in the same text so the author could have used that word to be more descriptive if that’s what we are imagining the “circle” to be referring to. Isaiah 22:18 “And roll you tightly like a ball, To be cast into a vast country;”

The pastor of Berean Bible Church gives a sermon on biblical cosmology that explains what the text is saying clearly. The cosmology of the time was that the earth was flat with a dome above:

Berean Bible Church Sermon

Flat Earth

The notion of a flat, non-rotating, geocentric system is not a religion or cult like they try to say, it is simply the baseline of what we observe in reality, and it must have an intelligent designer. Everyone is free to choose who that designer is. As Bob Dylan said “You’ve gotta serve somebody.” Geocentrism leaves no room for coincidence while the heliocentric model promotes that it all happened by chance.

When I first witnessed people talking about a flat earth, I thought they must be looking for attention. I was working a construction job once and heard the tile guys talking about it. I thought to myself, “Of course they would think it’s flat, they are laying tile flat!”. Everyone wants to stand out these days. It seemed like a joke. I’d immediately think of questions that seemed to debunk the idea, such as eclipses. Eclipses didn’t seem to make sense on a flat-earth based on what I was told eclipses to be. And sunsets, was this not the earth spinning and the sun going over the edge of the sphere? But then I learned how eclipses and sunsets didn’t make sense on a globe. If Eratosthenes’, the Greek that they claim figured out the spherical earth, said the sun’s rays are parallel, it falsifies how eclipses work. And when observing sunsets, you can actually see the sun get smaller when going into the distance.

Something people often think would debunk the idea of a flat earth is that the sun would light up the whole world at the same time. What needs to be considered is that with a smaller and local sun, there is light attenuation. Light can only go so far. Consider being in a dark room with a lantern or flashlight, it is dark and light in the room at the same time.

Many online kept saying “Research Flat Earth”. What could be the harm in some research? I started all this as a bit of a gaff, but it quickly got interesting.

I decided to give this debate an honest look. When I first heard the words ‘flat-earth’, my mind smushed what I learned in school together with an absurd image of what I imagined to be a frisbee flying in outer space, while everything else out in space is spherical and spinning around the sun. It sounded like a quick debunk and would be an easy verdict to reach for this short trial in my spherical head. What I’ve learned tells a different story and changed the way I see things.

We must be clear, the flat earth concept is not a disk floating in space with water dripping off the edge. This is what they try to serve you online. If you search ‘flat earth’, you will get all kinds of nonsense, but then you wonder, if this conspiracy was true, would they let you find the truth so easily? They are good at this, a mixture of truth with lies, with plenty of ways to discredit information and get people to look away. I learned soon from the flat earth community that one main way they do this is with The Flat Earth Society, which is a government website and it comes up first when you search online. No Flat Earthers agree with them.

The truth about the flat earth concept is that it’s a closed system with the sun, moon, and stars moving around us in a firmament like glass. There could be layers to the firmament that are like shells that host the celestial lights. The cosmic radiation map testifies to this. There is no water dripping off the edge with the sun and planets spinning around like a beehive. Antartica could be our ocean’s basin. The firmament is like a firm glass ceiling as described in scripture.

Job 37:18

Hast thou with him spread out the sky, Which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?

Genesis 1:14

And God said, Let there be lights IN the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

The more I study this topic the more blown away about creation. I’m struck with how loving and creative the designer is. Each person has their own personalized azimuth dome by which they view the world. So not only has God made the earth the center of attention in the universe, but each person is created with the intention to show He sees YOU as the center. In other words, He’s made the world for each person as if it’s just for them.

If you take the time to consider this debate with attention, you’ll find substantial evidence to the earth being stationary and flat. Everyday experience tells us this if you can learn how perspective works. It requires temporarily suspending belief in the globe in order to hear the evidence of how it can’t be proven. There are people working on computer programs to model a flat earth with everything moving in the sky and showing how we observe things from a flat plane. The question I’d have you consider; If the earth was not a globe, would you want to know?

Below is a link to a flat earth model to see how things seem to be working in the dome. The funny story behind this model is a glober made it to try and prove things would not work, but they ended up working. The original creator added some effects to make it seem to have problems, but a flat earther used the same model and corrected the problems to show it working just fine.

If you’ve ever been in a planetarium, you can picture how that is effect is similar to what we are seeing in reality. The sky is moving around us and the earth is a stationary topographical plane.

Shane’s Flat Earth Model
Shane’s Flat Earth Model Explanation
See AI Validate FE Model
Bible Says Flat Earth

NASA – “Not A Space Agency”

NASA has ties with Hollywood. Walt Disney worked with Werner Von Braun, an ex-Nazi and founder of NASA, Ronald Hubberd, the founder of Scientology, Jack Parsons, Thelmite Occultist, Aleister Crowley, Satanist and nicknamed the “Wickedest man in the world”, as well as Stanley Kubrick the film maker. They have the largest green screen on earth. The CIA was very interested in green screen technology when it first came out. NASA receives $60 million per day. I’m sure that gives plenty of freedom to fake trips with green screens and create fancy rockets that only go so high and then cut to CGI of a curved earth. You can check videos of their flights and see for yourself.

There is a movie called “In Like Flint” from 1967 where a general calls the rocket a “balloon”. NASA is the largest consumer of Helium in the world and many of their rocket launches look like Helium powered balloons in the shape of rockets. Especially when it’s falling back to earth and they tell us it’s supposed to get so hot it will vaporize, but they never show that part. You can see the clouds going by slowly just like a balloon’s speed if you watch footage closely. For their launches, notice how there will never be one shot without cutting to different angles. Look at pictures of the rockets full flight, they all go up and come back down. Anyone that looks for live SpaceX and NASA bloopers can eventually find them, though they are highly demoted on the YouTube algorithms.

I’ve taken a close look at official NASA photos on their website where they let you download them. They also have many images on the search page that when you click to see them you get a 404 page, doesn’t exist, so they have been deleted. They’ve updated many images to .png files so that the original meta data is not able to test. I brought an older .jpg photo into photoshop and saw for myself that it was highly altered, which you can see by simply changing the levels in photoshop. This is what I mean when I say they are lazy. They have many cracks in their stories. One astronaut will tell you that stars can’t be seen in space at all, and another will say that you can all the time. How many lies does it take to be a lair? Their logo is of a snake tongue and Ouroborus, the snake chasing and eating its tail, an important symbol in Alchemy and magic. ‘Nasa’ is Hebrew for “to beguile, deceive.” In Sanskrit and other religions “nasa” means “destruction“. Apollo, Apollyon, Abaddon, etc.

All they had to do was show something that looked like a moon landing on a primitive TV to reaffirm trust and deceive us. The photo of the footprint on the moon doesn’t match the space suit boot in the museum. The director Stanley Kubrick put clues in his movie ‘The Shining’ about Apollo missions being filmed in a studio. Even their radio transmissions of the moon landing confirm it was staged since they spoke too soon back-and-forth from here to the moon, defying even their own claims about how long the radio transmissions would take. Of course we know concerning radio waves that they could never go this far anyways. The pauses didn’t even make sense for what they told us would happen. Ever consider how brightly the moon shines for us? Their photos of the moon landing show a dusty grey surface that isn’t bright at all. The Inverse Square Law of Light says that every time you half the distance towards a light, it gets 4 times brighter, we can see well from moonlight on earth yet the brightness of their moon landing photos is not bright at all. It doesn’t make any sense. It would be extremely bright on the surface and likely melt them. If they would die if their space suits ripped, why are they falling all over the place and walking carelessly, tripping, banging their suits up? Video Link

They released footage showing how they manipulated the view of earth through a window for Apollo 11 to make it look like the earth was a ball but they were actually not as far away as claimed at all. Apollo 11 footage

So they haven’t been able to go back to the moon, but now they are planning to build floating trains there? Not a problem to get the materials there?
NASA Levitating Robotic Moon Train

People seem to be waking up to all the inconsistencies and lies in their narratives as well as proving time and time again that NASA deceives while the earth has tested to be flat. If everything points to it being flat from the ground, in airplanes, high-altitude balloons, and have no real photos or video from space, there is no evidence of this place being a globe. You can go to the live NASA ISS channel now and watch it for a while. Here are some bloopers: See what you think.

NASA is on board with promoting sexual confusion. See an ad that they took down from the backlash: We Are Going…

NASA claims the original Apollo 11 videos have disappeared from their records so no one can analyze them for authenticity. $30 billion of tax payer money going to the moon, and they lost the video evidence. When it was broadcast on TV the footage was purposely lousy since NASA insisted TV networks broadcast directly from a big screen display in their operations room. So what was shown was a video of a poorly magnified video so now it is impossible to watch anything original. Not only has Apollo 11 audio and video been lost, but all the Apollo missions. All print plans from contractors that were hired to do Lunar Rover and Apollo ship engines have also been lost. What are the chances?

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984

Many people are waking up to all the evidence that we never went to the moon. Putting aside Buzz Aldrin’s verbal confessions on video saying “we never went there”, there are basic physics anomolies such as them being able to go through the “Van Allen Radiation Belts”, that prove they never could have gone. NASA “astronauts” talk freely about how we have never left lower earth orbit. Listen in this video:


There are efforts being taken to audit NASA and get the word out concerning their fraudulent practices. People are sounding the alarm about the Challenger as the passengers have been said to be alive and well so they want investigation. Justin Roberts Orlando


Can you give me some “space”? Well, “space” is an idea, a concept, and a privation. Just like a shadow is a privation of light. The shadow itself isn’t a physical thing. To say that there is a “fabric of space” is a reification fallacy as it’s trying to give concrete physical properties to a concept that is not concrete or real. The idea that “nothing” can exist is a problem. Nothing can’t exist because it’s the absence of something. It’s just like you can’t hand me a piece of “freedom”. You can’t bend or do anything physically to a concept because it doesn’t have physical properties. Time and space are things we use to quantify change in motion but they are not physical. This in itself is a fundamental problem for the Theory of Relativity by which mainstream science has built the moving globe model on. Even Tesla described that the theory of Relativity is inadmissible logically.

“I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties…Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view.”

Nikola Tesla

Concerning “space” to mean what we see above us in the universe, the cosmic radiation map has shown that the universe is NOT homogenous. It is not evenly distributed, and IS anisotropic, which means it has a preferred direction. Even more so, areas that are anisotropic intersect with the earth. They call this the “Axis of Evil”. The data showed the opposite of what they were hoping to show and believe. It’s all contradictory to the Big Bang theory, so their ideas about space have been proven wrong. Therefore, they call it “evil”. Why is science giving a moral term to observations? I thought they were supposed to keep science out of religion? You hear people say “I’m not religious, I just believe science.” They don’t realize that the scientists are religious. There are 35 craters on the moon named after Jesuit scientists.

Some questions we could ask: How come no meteor showers come up from horizon if theoretically they are from all directions? No one has ever documented a meteor come up from the horizon, they always come sideways and above us. Meteors never exceed a height above 90 kilometers or under 40.

Red Bull “Edge of Space” jump? 128,000 feet. Flat-Earthers sent a balloon camera up to 120,000ft and showed it is flat. Red Bull was caught lying to the public saying that this was from the “edge of space” and that the video of the earth looked round. The jump was sponsored by go-pro which clearly warps the horizon. Neil DeGrasse Tyson then comes out later and explains to the public that it would be flat from this height and describes how they used a fish-eye lens. Says “That stuff is FLAT!”

SpaceX sent a car to space? Elon Musk said “You can tell it’s real because it looks so fake, honestly.”

In 1865 the French author Jules Verne wrote a novel that predicted the moon landing. He mentioned details down to it taken off from “Tampa Town” Florida and wrapping around the moon. Is this where they got the idea from?

“When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, ‘drop to your knees and beg,’ and he would have done it.”


Think there may have been some truth there?

Back to Space? They never went: You cannot have a vacuum next to high pressure without it equalizing. This is the second law of thermodynamics. Everything will want to equalize. They claim gravity is holding the air down on earth. This claim does not stand up to what we observe on earth. When you drink out of a straw you are defying gravity with the vacuum of your lungs. If space was a vacuum, everything would simply be sucked off. Our system must be in a container. Even to show how gas can have gradients is only able to be measured in a container.

Exploration of the moon stopped because it was impossible to continue the hoax without being ultimately discovered and of course they ran out of pre-filmed episodes. No man has ever ascended higher than 300 miles, if that high, above the earth’s surface. No man has ever orbited, landed on, or walked upon the moon in any known space program.”

William Cooper

265 degrees of heat from the sun on their zipper/velcro space suits surrounded by a vacuum? In a tour of a space shuttle an interviewer asks the NASA astronaut Don Pettit about a window, “What would happen if you had a leak?”, he replied “Um, well, then you’d have a leak!”, “You’d loose air?”, they asked, “Yeah, you would probably seal the whole Cupola off, then ah, there’s a plan, I don’t know off the top of my head. But there’s probably a plan…”. This guy is not a convincing liar. He’s caught all the time not having answers to basic questions and saying things contrary to their narrative so Flat-Earthers enjoy the entertainment. Another example is he will say you can see all the stars when you’re in space, but other astronauts and even Neil deGrasse Tyson says you could not see stars in space.

In an attempt to get astronauts to swear on a Bible that they went to space, Neil Armstrong says “that’s probably a fake Bible”. John Young from Apollo 10 and 16 refuses to as well and threatens to punch the journalist. Buzz Aldrin actually punched the journalist.

Asking Astronauts to Swear on the Bible they went to the Moon .

If the globe model says we are spinning 1000mph and through the galaxy at 1,000,000mph, why wouldn’t you get left behind out in space while everything is moving so fast and you’re just floating in nothing?

We should at least explore how the world works as layman and see if what they say makes common sense. They taught most of us some physics in school, but have we tested what they claim against the laws of nature we all observe ourselves? They are making the schools dumber and dumber. They are changing the way they teach kids to do math, and what they’re teaching are parlor tricks so that the kids won’t know how to understand concepts to think for themselves in the real world. They won’t have understanding. The parents see what their kids are bringing home and they can’t instruct the kids how to do it because it’s so different from what THEY were taught. This creates another layer to the problem where the child sees the adult not know how to do elementary math, so they assume it must not be that important.

The more I look into this, it’s almost like they’re testing to see how much they can get away with. They have everyone under a spell. Interesting side note that there is a new AI for lawyers called “Spellbook” – An AI to suggest terms for your contracts. Coincidence that when someone goes to court they get a “sentence” under their “jurisdiction”? “Juris” means “law” and “diction” means words. They get you with their “law words”. They put you under “Spells” of their created laws since they don’t truly have authority over you. Only God has authority over man, the State is supposed to be below you in the hierarchy of authority. Another definition of “bank” is a “bench” in reference to a “bench of judges”. The courts are basically temples just like in the scriptures where Jesus cast them out because they were money changers. The IRS logo represents Osiris, god of the dead, judging your heart on the scales against a feather. These are things you’d look into when you start asking “why the lie?”

Wernher Von Brauhn was brought over through Operation Paper Clip. Put in charge of NASA. Requested on tombstone “Psalm 91” without the scripture written out. Hinting for people to look it up?

Psalms 19:1

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” KJV

Personally I think he left this clue to let people know the firmament is real. A confession.

People might ask, Why hasn’t anyone fired an amature rocket up with a camera to see what happens? They have. The rocket eventually makes contact with the firmament as it stops spinning and just sits there for a bit. Raw video

How could our views of stars work on a flat model? It all can be explained by perspective in each individual’s azimuth dome.

Stars on a flat plane


1946 – Operation Highjump
– United States explored Antarctic region, founding the first American Base called “Little America”, led and organized by Admiral Richard Byrd.

1947 – CIA Founded
– The National Security Act of 1947 established CIA as an independent, Civilian Intelligence Agency within the Executive Branch. The Act charged CIA with coordinating the nation’s intelligence activities and among other duties, collecting, evaluating, and disseminating intelligence affecting national security.

1948 – Mars Project
– Science fiction book by Wernher Von Braun detailed the founding of the first civilization on Mars, established by a character named “Elon”. (Book cover shows rocket that looks just like the SpaceX rocket).

1952 – NSA Founded
– President Harry Truman to ‘Provide an effective, unified organization and control of the communications intelligence activities of the U.S conducted against foreign governments, to provide for integrated operational policies and procedures pertaining hereto.”
– In 1952 declassified document about testing altitude for brightness of firmament. Approximation method proven accurate. (Logo of eagle with key)

1955 – Operation Deep Freeze
– Codename given to a series of U.S missions to Antarctica. This led into the “International Geophysical Year” in 1957-1958 which a collaborative effort among 40 nations regarding the North and South Pole.

1957 – DEW System
– The distant early warning line is a system of radar stations in the Northern Arctic regions of Canada, Alaska, Greenland, and Iceland, where the U.S set up trip lines to monitor any activity North of the 55th North Latitude. (Logo shows energy bolts out of North Pole)
– Firmament Mapped for Operation Fishbowl

1958 – NASA Founded
– After the exploration and monitoring of the Arctic regions, NASA founded to “provide for research into problems of light within and outside the earth atmosphere, and other purposes.”

1959 – Antarctic Treaty
– Signed in Washington on Dec 1. 1959 by 12 countries whose scientists had been active in and around Antarctica during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957-58. It entered into force in 1961 and has since been acceded to by many other nations. The total number of parties to the treaty is now 56. This treaty restricts free and private exploration of the Antarctic region. (Lurel leaf, flat earth map logo)

1961 – DIA Founded
– Oct 1, 1961, with only 25 personnel and borrowed space in the Pentagon, the Defense Intelligence Agency was born. The agency would go on to manage and direct an increasing array of missions and functions that provide intelligence support to the National Command Authority and Warfighter. (Logo globe with touch through the poles, 13 stars)

1962 – Operation Fishbowl
– Part of the larger operation Dominic, “Of the Lord”, was a series of “High altitude nuclear tests” beginning in June 1962. Allegedly successful missile titled “Starfish Prime”. It is not well known that the U.S actually began their high altitude explosion tests in 1958, the same year NASA was founded.

1962 – JFK Announces Moon Landing
– Sept 12, 1962 JFK gave speech announcing man would land on the moon within 8 years. He said “We choose to go to the moon this decade and do the other things, but not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” Gets assassinated.

1968: Thomas Baron Report – Killed
– Apollo critic Thomas Baron writes a report, gets hit by train a week after saying Apollo mission was in disarray and not able to go to the moon. Wife, brother, and step son all killed instantly. The report he wrote was never found.

1968: 2001 Space Odyssey
– Film of the year. Conditioned everyone to accept we would go to the moon. That same year NASA Astronaut Gus Grissom says we can’t go to the moon.

Project “Slam Dunk” – President Johnson in 1968 – Cannon Air Force Base – June 1 – 3. Two Airplane hangers were filled with sand and cement powder to create a lunar landscape. Saw lunar lander set up for staged film. All the walls were painted flat back as well as ceilings. Sworn to secrecy by NSA. Testimony of son who’s dad witnessed this and confessed on his deathbed. Said he cried when he saw it on TV because he knew it’s what he saw set up. Verifies list of people that were allowed on set. Son videos confession as he is dying of cancer. (Sibrel.com)

1969: TV of going to the moon.
– Accidentally lost all the telemetry data?

1972 – Blue Marble
– Famous shot to globe for space. Cemented idea of globe in public. No other “real picture” of earth till 2015. The “Blue Marble” of 2002 was default wallpaper for iPhones and famously “Photoshopped because it had to be.”

1988 – North Warning System
– Replaced the Distant Early Warning line in 1988 and is still active to this day, monitoring all explorative movement North of the 55th latitude. Owl logo

Operation Fishbowl and Highjump

“What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.”

Luke 12:3

They have declassified documents about Operation Fishbowl in 1957 where they were testing the height of the firmament, right before they founded NASA in 1958. The firmament obviously limits how far rockets can go. It is a FIRM surface, just like described in the Bible. The firmament has been documented thoroughly and can be seen on video and photograph when looking at “sprites”, a natural phenomenon of lightning.

Footage of sprites here.

SpaceX shows video of a rocket up against the firmament and placing detonators of some sort. Trying to “break the glass ceiling”?

“I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think. Thanks to you it’s got about 18 million cracks in it.”

Hilary Clinton – Video Link

After Operation Fishbowl they made The Antarctic Treaty in 1959. Antarctica, being the highest landmass that contains all the water of our oceans, is now guarded. This gave all the elites of nations the authority over the boundaries and to go beyond the 60 degree latitude is forbidden without permission. Did you know John Kerry went to visit Antarctica for some reason on the last election day? Strange. The common people don’t get to see for themselves if they wanted to hire a plane to go check. If you do get permission to visit, they just take you to the base near South America, not far from Deception Island. (An actual location I came across on my own on Google Earth of Antarctica.)

Admiral Byrd that was involved Operation Highjump claimed he saw this land himself.

“On January 13, 1956, the Admiral and his crew flew 2,300 miles overland beyond the South Pole and Byrd said he saw a “different type of land.…There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!”

– Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s diary 1947

“Admiral Byrd once said “that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery!” he was dead after he said this in 1957. What did he mean? Admiral Richard E. Byrd died July 11, 1957, of a “Heart ailment.”

– Steph Wynne Medium Article

Admiral Byrd Interview


Think about why it might be called “Antarctica”. Possibly because it’s passed where the sun is arcing inwards on a flat map? If you were to observe a ball moving in a circle around a center point on a flat surface, you could describe the ball as arcing around the center. On a flat map this would be the sun arcing towards the “Arctic”. Likewise, from the south pole the sun would be “ant-arcing” since the south is outside the ring of the suns movement around the center. The sun would hardly be there in the south much at all and this is why the ice never melts. However, on a ball earth Antarctica should mimic the seasons similar to the north pole, but it doesn’t, it’s always cold. In the 20th century heliocentrists had to claim the earth was tilting back 25.5 degrees in order to explain away the ability to see Polaris from 23.5 degrees south of the equator. This caused issue for being tilted the same way as it spins and is still a problem for Arctic and Antarctic irregularities, so they then added 3 wobbles! They somehow think this explains it all away, but clearly they are just adding to the model in order to justify the globe model working instead of letting the truth be told. These issues about Antarctica are discussed in great detail in “Zetetic Astronomy” by Samuel Rowbotham, but here are a few excerpts.

…Captain Cook describes it as “savage and horrible.‟ The wild rocks raised their lofty summits till they were lost in the clouds, and the valleys lay covered in everlasting snow. Not a tree was to be seen; not a shrub even big enough to make a toothpick. Who could have thought that an island of no greater extent than this (Isle of Georgia), situated between the latitude of 54 and 55 degrees, should in the very height of summer, be in a manner wholly covered many fathoms deep in frozen snow?

“Polar Explorations,” read before the Royal Dublin Society, taken from “Zetetic Astronomy,” by “Parallax.”

Thomas Winship speaks about the Midnight Sun that is seen in the north:

“If the earth be a globe, at midnight the eye would have to penetrate thousands of miles of land and water even at 65⁰ North latitude, in order to see the sun at midnight. That the sun can be seen for days together in the Far North during the Northern summer, proves that there is something very seriously wrong with the globular hypothesis. Besides this, how is it that the midnight sun is never seen in the south during the southern summer? Cook penetrated as far South as 71⁰, Weddell in 1893 reached as far as 74⁰, and Sir James C. Ross in 1841 and 1842 reached the 78th parallel, but I am not aware that any of these navigators have left it on record that the sun was seen at midnight in the south.

“Thomas Winship – Zetetic Cosmogony,”

There have been several scam attempts to coordinate a trip to Antarctica to put an end to the debate. “The Final Experiment” is the new one. It is no surprise to be skeptical of these trips they plan to make since there are several where the orchestrators took the money and nothing came of it. Most, if not all, the cruise ship companies that offer visitation to Antarctica are owned by the same one guy. When people call the tour companies and ask about a 24-hour sun, they say they cannot confirm a 24-hour sun. There have been people that have documented the process of attempting to get permission to explore the area and always get shut down as well as videos of boats that attempt to reach passed the 60th latitude and they get turned away by a military ship. Some get arrested. There is a thorough explanation of it in these videos:

Much of the territory on Google Earth of Antartica is just a blotchy white. If you try to select around the continent to get a measurement like you can do with other continents or islands, it immediately reverts to an outer region selected. It won’t let you select the perimeter of the land, heavily suspicious. I have explored the google earth “street view” of much of where you can and I even entered the Polish base there where you can walk around to look. I noted interesting symbolism relating to my research of heliocentric religious origins. There is an orb statue there where they call it the South Pole, but the actual south pole is said to be much further south. I’ve seen video on YouTube showing someone doing similar “street view” research of Antartica bases and came across a poster with Masonic artwork depicting a person ducking through the outer edge of the firmament. On the other side of the firmament in the poster depicts what looks like a paradise with free energy devices or wind machines as described in the book of Enoch.

“And at the ends of the earth I saw twelve portals open to all the quarters (of the heaven), from which the winds go forth and blow over the earth.”

The Book of Enoch Chapter 76

There are also several mysterious deaths surrounding Antartica and a photo of a guy holding a Masonic flag there with the compass monument.


Horizon is the limit of your eyes ability to resolve things in the distance as the sky appears to meet the ground or ocean, but this isn’t an actual location. The angle becomes too small. Refraction also plays a role depending on atmospheric condition, but it is a theoretical explanation when observing objects in the distance out in reality. They claim it lifts things in the distance up to perfectly be at the level you’d expect and even when the conditions differ so it doesn’t seem to always be a valid explanation. Refraction also makes light bend down and even flip things upside down so that would seem to contradict the direction of light off buildings through the atmosphere and lifting it up over the horizon perfectly every time. It seems like one of those things that can be used to dismiss evidence, but doesn’t necessarily make sense.

See a long distance test done at 613 miles from Israel to Crete .

As mentioned before, our eyes simply can’t see that far naturally due to angular resolution , but the zoom today can open up that field of vision and frankly we can see too far now with zoom cameras.

The horizon will be everything your eye can resolve above your eye level. A tricky thing about it is we think we see in straight lines so both flat earth and globe enthusiasts go into the world to test for visibility proofs, but we don’t always correctly interpret what we see so our expectations can bring bias to the tests. Our eyes are round, our camera lenses are round, so it’s difficult to document reality. An example to describe this is railroad tracks and how they converge though we know parallel lines never touch. We know the vanishing point must be slightly lower than the horizon where the sky meets the tracks but is pretty much eye level. But if you have a camera 4 feet off the ground, it will depend if it’s perfectly flat when you zoom in on something the same height as the camera. If it’s just slightly angled down, when you zoom in, the horizon will rise from the center point it was originally, and if the camera is pointed slightly up, then the horizon will drop as you zoom in.

It’s not as “straight forward” as one might think at first. Visual space is actually hyperbolic, where real space in Euclidian. This means that we do not see in straight lines. When you theorize and draw a diagram showing a straight line from your eyes, none of that truly works in reality. This is what the globe model has used for advantage as they’ve taken how the eyes see and made the globe model from it. Flat earth interpretations have sought out to prove there is no curve, but they must accept that space is hyperbolic when they interpret what they’re documenting. This leads to bias tests taking place in both camps of thinking. What we do know is that it was by looking at the sky that they translated how we see things in the sky and made the model based on visual interpretation. They did not measure curvature on the ground surface itself to determine the globe. They’ve merely highjacked how we see and turned it into a ball since the theoretical math is the same. Our eyeballs see at the curvature rate in which they’ve attributed to the globe.

“The world is Euclidean. When distances are measured by a ruler, the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the two legs to a high degree of approximation—just as Euclidean geometry would predict…The same definite conclusions cannot be made regarding visual space. People are capable of thinking about geometric concepts in different ways…In short, some of the greatest philosophers and psychologists in history focused considerable attention on the problems of space perception.”

The Geometries of Visual Space – Mark Wagner

At the beach you can see the water all the way up to your eye level, the limit of that distance you can resolve near the horizon. If there are taller buildings 20 miles away, they appear to be hidden at the horizon because of perspective. The angle is too small so the information goes missing. You would need to get higher for the angle resolution to widen. You can use a camera with strong zoom to be able to see a further distance, but likely wont be able to see far enough to where the buildings actually meet the ground. There is also atmosphere which is most dense near the earth. But it is proven that things you could not see from the original scope of vision will then be visible when you zoom in.

There are many factors that come into play when discussing how far we can see so it’s a subject that often goes back and forth endlessly in debates. However, there are tests that have been documented that you can read about such as in Earth Not a Globe by Samuel Rowbothan and in ZETETIC COSMOGONY .

Light Attenuation is the gradual loss of intensity through a medium. The light gets absorbed into the atmos. This is why you can’t see the Hollywood sign from even just a few miles away. Another example is the Canigou mountains in Southern France that could not be seen from hundreds of miles away, can then be seen when the sun sets behind the mountains. The mountains should not be seen from the distance reported. For this to be explained by refraction doesn’t seem to make sense and the mountains rise to where you’d expect them to be every time, exactly the amount needed to be where you’d expect on flat.

The atmos is most dense near the surface of the earth. This is why from an airplane you can see down far to the ground, but can’t horizontally on the earth’s surface.

Never a curve.

The Antikythera Mechanism

From what I’ve learned, I think that everything we see in the sky is like a perfect clock with the sun and moon much smaller and closer than mainstream science claims. It has been observed this way for thousands of years just as The Antikythera Mechanism proves that we are indeed in the center, on a stationary, flat earth. There is no other way else to explain how the Antikythera Mechanism would work since it’s all based on geocentrism and a flat plane. It dates back at least 2000 years and is a cosmograph showing that all the movements of sun, moon, and stars are predictable and consistent. Why have they only found one in the ocean? Seems like someone was trying to have it forgotten.

There is ample evidence that they have brainwashed our generations to reinforce Heliocentrism. They get us young. Every Universal Studios movie starts with a globe spinning. There are globes in every classroom and movie. Yet if you look on the bottom of a classroom globe, it says “Globes are not for educational use, for decorative purpose only.”

The Astrolabe is another instrument that has been predicting the motion of celestial bodies using a flat geocentric assumption for over 2000 years for navigation: Astrolabe. Invented between 150 – 220 BC. and it’s till completely accurate today. It had hundreds of uses including the time, date, as a surveying tool, determining an objects altitude, distances, building heights, latitude, longitude, eclipses, directions, and star positions. Video Link

They tell us it’s because of the globe model that all these things like eclipses can be predicted accurately, but just the fact that this device has existed for thousands of years and works today shows that a geocentric, stationary, flat model is fully viable and direct proof of it.

Astrolabe on Wikipedia

Astronomical Clocks

An astronomical clock, also known as a horologium or orloj, is a type of clock that displays astronomical information, such as the relative positions of the Sun, Moon, zodiacal constellations, and sometimes major planets.

Astronomical clocks typically feature a 24-hour analog dial, with the current time indicated by a golden ball or a picture of the Sun. Local noon is usually at the top of the dial, and midnight at the bottom. Minute hands are rarely used. The Sun indicator or hand gives an approximate indication of both the Sun’s azimuth and altitude. The zodiac signs are often represented by a concentric circle inside the 24-hour dial or drawn onto a displaced smaller circle, which is a projection of the ecliptic, the path of the Sun and “planets” through the sky.

    Features and Functions:
  • Positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets
  • Zodiac signs and their corresponding dates
  • Lunar phases and eclipses
  • Tides and seasons
  • The annual orbit of the Earth around the Sun, with the Earth rotating on its own axis every 24 hours

Some notable astronomical clocks:

The Prague Orloj, built in the 15th century, features a calendar dial, a Sun indicator, and a rotating sphere representing the celestial bodies. The Wells Cathedral clock, built in the 14th century, offers a geocentric view of the universe, with the Sun and Moon revolving around the Earth. The Hermle Astronomical and Tellurium clocks, manufactured by the German company Hermle, feature mechanical movements and intricate designs, showcasing the solar system and zodiac patterns.

The astronomical clocks are evidence that the celestial bodies above us are moving in a precise and predictable manner. If everything was expanding and moving in all directions, what we observe would change over time. However, the constellations have remained fixed over thousands of years.


They use Gravity as an explanation for everything though gravity is simply the rate at which things fall. Roughly 9.8 m/s² is the rate. It is not always consistent when tested in different environments. It falls at different rates at different locations. It is not a definition of WHY things fall at that rate. “Little g” in an equation is an effect that we observe and expect. This is not mass attracting mass. It has no explanation of what the force is to cause things to fall. Newton said gravity WAS a force, and Einstein said it was NOT a force. If you listen to what mainstream science says to describe what gravity is, they are no longer using the “mass attracts mass” idea at all which we were raised to think and make sense of the earth revolving around the sun and moon revolving around the earth. The gravity they used to describe this can not be proven. They can’t explain what gravity is even on earth and it is still a theory based on conceptual “time” and “space” from Einstein since they let go of Newtonian Mechanics.

Take a moment to listen to their spokesperson describe gravity for us. Neil deGrasse Tyson: What Is Gravity?

From what I’ve learned, gravity could be replaced with a theory of electrostatics. Everything is electric and our system may be working like a torus field. There is a measurable downward electric field and the ground is the negative charge. Everything has a charge and has density. It was proven that Gravity was wrong for 96% of what matter was made of, so they intruded Dark Matter as an explanation, but Dark Matter has now been proven to not exist, so they introduced Dark Energy. This is where Cosmology stands today where they are trying to figure out what Dark Energy actually is, but if you remove the concept of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, all the observations and data make sense if we are at the center. They are continuing to come up with mathematical explanations to hold off from accepting the earth may be at the center. Mainstream science refuses to accept the Ether, which is basically the medium in our realm. Now it’s the Higgs-Boson ‘God particle’? They don’t want to accept our creator even though Newton did.

“Hitherto we have explained the phenomena of the heavens and of our sea by the power of gravity, but we have not assigned the cause of this power…and I frame no hypotheses; for whatever is not deduced from the phenomena is to be called a hypothesis; and hypotheses, whether metaphysical or physical, whether of occult qualities or mechanical, have no place in experimental philosophy. In this philosophy particular propositions are inferred from the phenomena, and afterwards rendered general by induction. … To us it is enough that gravity does really exist, and act according to the laws which we have explained, and abundantly serves to account for all the motions of the celestial bodies, and of our sea… It is not to be conceived that mere mechanical causes could give birth to so many regular motions. … This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being. And if the fixed stars are the centers of other like systems, these, being formed by the like wise counsel, must be all subject to the dominion of One.”

Isaac Newton – Principia – 1687

Sound is vibration and electrostatic, so we can make the connection between God speaking things into existence. Everything is vibrating. Cymatics. Light is nothing more than a sound wave in the ether. We are friction against the ether.

“And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”
Genesis 1:3

Gravity Explained Completely

“It is inconceivable, that inanimate brute matter should, without the mediation of something else, which is not material, operate upon and affect other matter without mutual contact…That gravity should be innate, inherent, and essential to matter, so that one body may act upon another at a distance, through a vacuum, without the mediation of anything else, by and through which their action and force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an absurdity, that I believe no man who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it. Gravity must be caused by an agent, acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether this agent be material or immaterial, I have left to the consideration of my readers.”

Sir Isaac Newton (Third letter to Bentley, 25 Feb 1693. Quoted in The Works of Richard Bentley, D. D. (1838), Vol. 3, 212-3.)

Gravity and Motion

Newton’s first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless acted upon by a force. To explain the earth’s orbit, Newton proposed gravity is pulling the earth around the sun. He would say gravity is an innate property of matter, is instantaneous action at a distance because there’s no time variable, he thought it must be a direct act of God himself. He thought the sun was at the center of the entire universe. They say Flat Earth is an archaic, disproven, old idea, but the globe defenses always regress to the 1600’s where he thought God was acting and the sun was the center of whole universe.

Two first principles of logic:

Law of Non-Contradiction:
Contradictory claims cannot both be true at the same time in the same sense.

Law of the Excluded Middle:
It either IS or IS NOT.

  • An object will continue in a straight path unless an external force acts upon it.
  • There must exist an Ether
  • Space is absolute and fixed
  • Gravity IS a force
  • An object can go in a curve path WITHOUT a force acting upon it.
  • There is NO Ether
  • Space is NOT absolute and fixed
  • Gravity is NOT a force

Einstein said something can curve WITHOUT a force acting upon it because it’s free falling in what’s called a geodesic path through the curvature of SpaceTime. So the earth is actually going straight, free falling, and it may look like it’s curving from another reference frame.

Einstein and Newton had fundamentally different claims. These cannot both be true. The math is different. Science explains, math describes. Einstein first did away with the Ether, but then went back and said non-existence of an Ether Drift.

“Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity, space without ether is unthinkable…

– Einstein

Up till late 1800s everybody thought there was an Ether. A medium between everything and everyone adhered to Newtonian Mechanics. If someone wants to argue a globe using Newtonian Mechanics, they will need to agree the earth ISN’T moving.

Einstein said nothing is absolute except light. Since it’s by light you can measure events. In reality what scientists do for an absolute is use the stationary lab frame, which is a fancy way of saying “a stationary earth.”

Earth orbiting the sun requires Einstenian Gravity , yet people are clinging onto Newtonian gravity. Both can’t be true at the same time. Newtonian Gravity is what they use to measure most things on earth, but it doesn’t work in major claim of earth orbiting the sun. Relativity is the only way to they can explain the earth is spinning. These two theories contradict each other.

Einstein himself mentioned that relativity couldn’t work because space couldn’t exist as it is just a concept. You can’t give physical properties to concepts like “nothing”. Nothing doesn’t exist.

It is also interesting to note that Isaac Newton was known to have studied in the occult and alchemy, but also said gravity must be an act of God. Einstein was into esoteric stuff. His philosophy had Masonic connections.

“The renowned physicist Albert Einstein joined a Munich-based Masonic lodge in 1905 after becoming increasingly interested in its philosophies on science and religion.””

Esoteric Freemasons Website

Foucault’s Pendulum is a device they say can monitor the rotation of the earth below us as is claimed to be staying perfectly straight swinging back and forth and the earth rotates. The logic of this means that a helicopter could go straight up in the air and wait 3 hours and the ground would have moved several thousand miles. However, in reality the helicopter doesn’t find itself in a different spot unless it takes a direction and the manuals for operating helicopters directly state to treat the earth as non-rotating and flat. They also say that gravity holds the air perfectly attached to the ground somehow, so therefore the pendulum should not be swinging? The pendulums are simply moving based on their momentum when first being started and the ones in museums have a motor mechanism in them to constantly operate and rotate without needing to restart. If they didn’t, the pendulum would simply run out of momentum over a period of time.

Airplanes would always need to land in respect to the spin of the earth. We are told to think that the spin of 1000mph at the equator is too small to feel or for it to matter even with airplanes. But why wouldn’t it matter? So then what’s the difference in how you’d operate on a flat and stationary earth? What’s the evidence we are spinning if you don’t do anything differently and can’t measure it? Well, you could measure if the earth is moving with interferometry lasers, which they’ve done, and there is no motion of earth detected. The Michelson–Morley Experiment. It’s referred to as “the most failed experiment in history” because they never detect motion no matter how many times they try. The results of this experiment was the reason why Einstein had to invent Relativity. Now everything is relative and based on theoretical bias to avoid what data shows. The measuring tools themselves have hypothetically changed while measuring, like a magic trick. You probably assume there’s plenty of things we do that prove the earth is round, but when you look into those things, the evidence shows the opposite. Satellites? The math they use assumes a flat and non-rotating earth.

Helicopter/Airplane related video

The Coriolis Effect is an evident factor when performing tasks such as throwing a ball off a merry-go-round, but has no application to the earth spinning. Long-distance snippers testify that wind is all they factor in as they do not even consider the earth rotating. When it comes to toilets flushing clockwise or counter-clockwise in different hemispheres, this is simply a misinformed rumor. It has been shown that different toilets and sinks in the same house can flush different directions. The shape of the basin and direction the water is coming in from will set the momentum and direct its path.

Coriolis Effect – Eric Dubay

Airey’s failure – 1871

(Reference – Proc. Roy. Soc. London v 20 p 35).

Telescopes have to be very slightly tilted to get the starlight going down the axis of the tube because of the earth’s “speed around the sun”. Airey filled a telescope with water that greatly slowed down the speed of the light inside the telescope and found that he did not have to change the angle of the telescope. This showed that the starlight was already coming in at the correct angle so that no change was needed. This demonstrated that it was the stars moving relative to a stationary earth and not the fast orbiting earth moving relative to the comparatively stationary stars. If it was the telescope moving he would have had to change the angle. – Malcolm Bowden

(They call it a “failure” because it didn’t fit their narrative but we could call it fairly call it “Airy’s Success”.)

Here is a more detailed explanation of the experiment > Airy’s Success

Airey’s Failure Experiment explained Video

Michelson–Morley Experiment – 1887

For Orbit

A scientific test that caused much trouble for heliocentrism is the Michelson–Morley Experiment. It is referred to as “The most failed experiment in history”. They used perpendicular light waves to prove the earth moving, expected a “fringe shift”, where the light beams would differ from each other, but there was no fringe shift.

The test works by shooting light, splitting it, hitting mirrors, reflecting back to center and go towards the receiver together. If the earth was not moving, the light rays would get there at the same time. If it was moving, then the one that was going relative to the earths orbit should have taken longer to travel to reach the receiver. Same as the Sagnet Effect. The rotation should have been detected but it was not.

Georges Sagnet himself said that they were detecting the vortex of the ether. It all makes sense on a stationary plane.

This test should have also detected the 500,000mph vector of us going through the galaxy with the sun, and our galaxy going 1.2 Million mph, they didn’t even know about those future “discovered” factors at the time, but they should have witnessed the theoretical movement.

“The problem which now faced science was considerable. For there seemed to be only three alternatives. The first was that the earth was standing still, which meant scuttling the whole Copernican Theory and was unthinkable.

– Ronald Clark, Einstein: The Life And Times.” 1979 p 109-110

“…the Einstein theory goes in the opposite direction, giving increased respectability to the geocentric picture.”

– Sir Fred Hoyle, ’Nicolaus Copernicus: An Essay on His Life and Work’. P 87

Dayton Miller went to test if the results of MMX were because of instrumental error and confirmed that it was not. They have been repeating this test all through the years up until 2020 and still nothing has shown evidence of the earth moving.

We must remember what Kepler said about how they make conclusions: “I demonstrate by means of PHILOSOPHY that the earth is round, and is inhabited on all sides, that it is insignificantly small, and is borne through the stars.” – Johannes Kepler

“Since then, I have come to believe that the motion of the earth cannot be detected by any optical experiment.

– A. Einstein, How I created the Theory Of Relativity.

Today people want to hold onto Newtonian physics, since it makes more logical sense than relativity, but this experiment has proven it wrong, the earth is not moving. They can’t agree with Newtonian Physics and Relativity at the same time since they contradict each other. People that argue the case for a globe model often try to use both, but this is a fallacy in their argument.

The Sagnac Experiment 1913

(Reference – Comptes Rendus 1913 v157 p 708-710 and 1410-3)

Sagnac rotated a table complete with light and mirrors with the light being passed in opposite directions around the table between the mirrors. He detected the movement of the table by the movement of the interference fringes on the target where they were recombined. This proved that there IS an aether that the light has to pass through and this completely destroys Einstein’s theory of Relativity that says there is no aether. It is for this reason that this experiment is completely ignored by scientists. More recently Kantor has found the same result with similar apparatus. – Malcolm Bowden

    Important terms when describing motion
  • Kinematics – Governs motion with no causal mechanism. So you can make predictions based on future motion, like if you know how fast something is moving already, you can make a prediction.
  • Dynamics – Predictions based on actual forces.

General Relativity says mass will bend light.

Relativity Of Simultaneity – The Sagnac Effect & GPS

Michelson–Gale–Pearson Experiment – 1925

For Rotation

Michelson spent 30 years trying to figure out the ether. This experiment was to find out whether the rotation of the Earth has an effect on the propagation of light in the vicinity of the Earth. The Michelson-Gale experiment was a very large ring interferometer, (a perimeter of 1.9 kilometers), large enough to detect the angular velocity of the Earth.

They detect sidereal rotation, the rate that stars spin in the sky. Earth not moving.

This is where Heliocentrism and Newtonian Mechanics take two different paths. They can no longer coincide. They can create math for a heliocentric model that will get the same result as a non-rotating flat earth, but they can’t both be true. And general relativity doesn’t make sense with reality, it’s all hypothetical. They even have a model where they propose it could work if one day lasted 6 months. They have lost touch with reality and reaching to hold onto the ball.

The Hubble Constant and Tension – 1925 – 1929.

Hubble Constant – The rate at which the universe expands. Assuming the universe expands, there should be red-shift and blue-shift at random all over in the stars, but reality shows the earth at center.

Hubble Tension – Inability to mesh the different test data such as the Cosmic Ladder Distance method in astronomy and the Cosmic Microwave Background. The rates do not match, not just by a little, but 5 – 7 Mega parsecs. This is an unfathomable amount beyond 16 light years. One parsec is 30.9 trillion kilometers.

They discovered there are quasars that have way too much red-shift that are closer than galaxies that have less. This defies their Big Bang Theory that everything is expanding.

Interesting side note: NASA’s SOPHIA telescope that takes pictures from a plane tuned out to be the same pictures that they claimed the Hubble telescope was taking. They were releasing the same pictures from both telescopes on the same day and a guy called them out on it.

Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Guidestones prove the earth is stationary with its fixed hole in a giant stone that always showed Polaris, the North Star, in its tiny sightline. Never moving. This stood for over 40 years. If the earth were to move 1 degree every 76 years, then it should have moved out of view through the hole, but it had not moved.

Once people started talking about this online, conveniently the stones were destroyed by “terrorists”. Similarly the pyramid of Giza points to Polaris.

The stones have a list of objectives:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. 2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. 3. Unite humanity with a living new language. 4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. 5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. 6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. 7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. 8. Balance personal rights with social duties. 9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. 10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Radio Waves

The ionosphere is said to have a frequency range of up to 40mHz and this ionized region of the “atmosphere” allegedly reflects radio waves back down to earth to explain why LOS transmission far exceed the geometric limitation of the globe earth model. World record transmissions ranging from 100 MHz to upward of 100 GHz have been sent LOS far beyond this assumed limitation. The frequencies are far too high to “reflect off the ionosphere” thus falsifying the spherical earth assumption.

The long distance records for radio waves show contradictory story. They can go over 10,000 miles horizontally. It is all electromagnetic radiation. See Transatlantic Radio Signals concerning Marconi at Signal Hill in 1901. Everyone expected the signal to be blocked by the earth around 200 miles. They were baffled it went 2200 miles. To make sense of this they imagined it must have been bouncing off something in the sky, which they later termed the “ionosphere”. The effect they thought to be witnessing was named “Skywave Propagation”. But according to what they say about the frequencies of radio waves that can bounce off the ionosphere, 40 MHz and above shouldn’t work because they will go right through. Today people confirm tests showing frequencies in the 100s that go over 2500 miles so they can’t be blamed on bouncing off the ionosphere but rather are shooting straight.

Can you have equipotential lines in a vertical electric field without 2 Gaussian surfaces? There would need to be an experiment done on earth that shows us this can work, or else it cannot be a viable model of earth.

There is equipotential lines of the earths VERTICAL electrical field that is measurable. This results in a downward electric current. Roughly 10 micro micro amps per meter. With the electric field of the earth, the potential increases 100 volts per meter.

Atmospheric ions created by cosmic rays and natural radioactivity move in the electric field, so a small current flows through the atmosphere, even away from thunderstorms. Near the surface of the Earth, the magnitude of the field is on average around 100 v/m, oriented such that it drives positive charges down.

The electric field must be either parallel or perpendicular to the Gaussian surface. The electric field that passes through the parts of the Gaussian surface where the flux is non-zero has a constant magnitude.

The globe model has no gaussian surface to act as the antecedent to equipotential lines of the measurable vertical electrical field. To make matters worse, the Gaussian surface MUST be perpendicular to the field. You can’t just say “air” since that is not a solid. They would need to prove that you can use air to create equipotential lines of electric charge in side of a vertical electrical field. YOU NEED TWO 3D GAUSSIAN SURFACES PERPENDICULAR TO THE VERTICAL ELECTRIC FIELD.

The equipotential lines in the vertical electric field on the earth falsifies the globe model and necessitates a physical gaussian surface perpendicular to the vertical electric field.

A Van de Graaff generator can flip the field and levitate to go up!

To summarize this all: They say the ionosphere is about 40 MHz so 40 or lower will reflect off the ionosphere, any higher will penetrate. They claim to shoot 110MHz through to the moon. So then we should be able to shoot 110 MHz out horizontally and eventually get blocked by earth at a couple 100 miles. But contrarily we can shoot horizontally for thousands of miles. They then say it is bouncing off the ionosphere, but they just said 110 would go through the ionosphere.

Another interesting clue from radio waves is the Battle of the Beams. During WW2 the Germans were able to use long distance radio waves to coordinate locations to bomb in the night. Churchill didn’t want to look into it because they thought it would be impossible do to because of earth curvature, but apparently when things are really important such as war, the curve disappears and it works. Video explanation .


8 inches per mile2 = Curvature of the earth

Earth curvature calculator

The math they give us for the curvature of the earth math doesn’t match reality when tested. Any person can go out and do tests and use an online curvature calculator to see the expected drop over a flat surface such as a frozen lake.

Visible Light Flat Earth Observations

Here is an example: Laser test

More laser experiments

Military laser missiles go line-of-sight 100 miles going mach 4 50ft off the ground. There is no curvature or rotation of earth accounted for. Lasers do not curve.

They use flat Cartesian coordinate system. It maps out around start position and then gets where it’s going not based on any curve, just tracks where they are. Arch distance math doesn’t do anything with curvature or spin of earth. No ‘over the horizon’ weapon uses any curvature of the earth calculation, it’s all based on Cartesian coordinate system.

“In geometry, a Cartesian coordinate system in a plane is a coordinate system that specifies each point uniquely by a pair of real numbers called coordinates, which are the signed distances to the point from two fixed perpendicular oriented lines, called coordinate lines, coordinate axes or just axes of the system. ”

– Wiki

When there are photographs of long distances with no apparent curvature blocking anything, such as the Chicago city skyline from 50 miles away , an attempted defense is refraction. This defense does not hold weight since in the case of refraction, light bends downwards after the light is heading back towards your eye, not lifting things up to the horizon. In reality, these long distances are simply being seen on clear days when there is not as dense a medium to block the view. There is nothing tricky happening to bring the skyline buildings perfectly up to the level to be visible. These long distances are being witnessed regularly so if it was a rare explanation, that would be one thing, but it’s consistent and observed regularly. In the same video here it shows how in Afghanistan you can see the sun actually get smaller as it’s moving away , not going over the edge of a curve. The refraction explanation also doesn’t make sense since it’s at the height you’d expect it to be. The theory of this refraction can’t be demonstrated in reality, only in graphics, in reality refraction makes things appear lower, not higher or mirage objects to look distorted. The objects beings seen clearly are not distorted like mirages or refractions.

Consider the following 19th century newspaper article about the construction of the Suez Canal:

“Some of the English engineering firms who were invited to tender for the construction of the Suez Canal, declined, because they thought it would be impossible to hold up huge sand banks on the earths curved surface. De Lesseps, French engineer, who finally did the job, assumed that the earth was flat and conducted the canal accordingly.”

“In consequence of this, an act of (UK) Parliament was passed (The Railways, Powers and Construction Amendment Act 1870 and has not since been repealed, forbidding any engineer invited to tender for the construction of railways and canals to make any allowance for the curvature of the Earth’s surface.”

The Denmark Post (Albany, WA : 1949 – 1954) Jan 11,1951, Page 8 – Flat Earth

A noteworthy set of experiments in the past were the Bedford Level Experiments conducted in the 1800’s on the Old Bedford River in England. Samuel Rowbotham seemed to convince many that the river, and earth, was indeed flat by measuring down the canal 6 miles and observing flags on it a distance. Wages were made and trouble ensued as neither side conceded to losing the wager. The glober demanded it was due to refraction. My question would be, why would the glober bet on the experiment if he expected to see the flags by refraction or mirage? The bet was that the flags would or would not be seen and they clearly were. Lady Blount went on to get photographs for her own conviction and others claimed the photos were merely documenting reflection.

“In 1904, a Lady Blount repeated essentially the Rowbotham experiment with the added value of new-fangled photography: at least her result was demonstrable, and didn’t rely on hearsay. This time, she photographed a white sheet hanging two feet above the water, six miles away — just as Rowbotham had (and for the same reasons) she could see the theoretically hidden bottom of the sheet, and once more its reflection in the water!”

The Ouse Washes Website

To do geodetic surveying, they calculate long-distance measurements of earth curvature using an assumed radius value. The R-value is not something they are witnessing, it is something they introduce into the equation. They then take an average of these calculations from observations, throwing out the extremes, and do this over shorter distances. Level meeting to level. Geodetic surveying takes into account the Earth’s curvature, unlike plane surveying, which assumes a flat plane. How many level flat planes connected together equal curvature? To accept geodetic survey terminology is to think that level is not actually level but curved though in reality there is no curvature taking place.

Shane St. Pierre explains in a tweet the difference of diffraction and refraction:

Diffraction is a consistent and stable property of light that limits what we can see. Diffraction, resulting from light’s wave-like behavior as it interacts with edges and apertures, is well understood to restrict our visual acuity down to about 0.02 to 0.03 degrees. Despite this, mainstream interpretations frequently attribute all forms of visual obscuration to the effects of Earth’s curvature, which has otherwise never been substantiated.

Refraction, unlike diffraction, is a variable and inconsistent phenomenon influenced by fluctuating atmospheric conditions such as temperature gradients and air currents. These factors can cause light to bend in various ways, creating illusions of displacement in the positions of distant objects. However, many ground-based observations that should account for diffraction’s role in visual limitations are instead conveniently blamed on curvature or erratic refraction.

In doing so, the fundamental and consistent effects of diffraction — which always govern our visual field on a flat plane — are overlooked or ignored in favor of explanations that reinforce the globe model. This selective attribution fails to recognize that diffraction’s stable properties, not curvature or chaotic refraction, often determine the true limits of our sight.


They tell us a story about Eratosthenes, he came into schools through Rockefeller textbooks in the 1980’s. We haven’t found anything about him in earlier records or textbooks. They say he did a sticks and shadows experiment, using vertical sticks at different locations and figured out the curvature of the earth based on the shadows. They say he got it correct within 2%. He presumed the suns rays were coming in parallel, which we see in the sky is not true. Another problem is scientists today say that this experiment would only work with 3 poles, not two. Carl Sagan pushed this narrative anyways in the 1980’s in the show “Cosmos”.

No one has reproduced this test because they claim to have better technology now. But you can do this test with a flashlight and standing tubes or batteries on a flat table. It will produce the same results and you could find the sphericity of your flat table. Unfortunately this does not mean the table is a sphere. The math doesn’t explain the reality.

It makes me think of the curvature math calculator with refraction slider they have now where you can put the full circumference of the globe, 24,901 miles, and it claims it would bring something into view with the appropriate amount of refraction. You’d be able to see all the way around the globe to the back of your head? Mathemagics.

Eratosthenes’ observation, even if he did exist and do it, would work just the same on a flat earth model with a local sun that moves in the sky. If you have lights on the ceiling in your house, do you presume that your floor is a sphere like the lightbulb? What if the light was moving above you like a local light?

The radius value of the globe is attributed to Al-Biruni who in the 11th century came up with approximately 6,247 miles. He was a Persian mathematician and astronomer, that estimated the radius of the Earth through a simple trigonometric method. He measured the dip angle of the horizon from the top of a mountain and used this angle to calculate the Earth’s radius. Al-Biruni’s method involved measuring the angle between the true horizon and the apparent horizon from a high vantage point. He used this angle to calculate the Earth’s radius, assuming a perfect sphere. A major problem to this is the assumption of a sphere and assuming the horizon is an actual location. We know that the horizon constantly fluctuates based on atmospheric conditions and that using spherical trigonometry can make a flat surface into a sphere.

I used to think the earth must be a sphere because the sun and moon look spherical, but the truth is we don’t know what they are and it’s simply faulty logic to think the earth resembles what the sun and moon appear to be. All lights appear to be spherical in general. All the stars look like circles from the ground, but what do they really look like in telescopes. In reality, you’ll discover science doesn’t know much about the sun, moon, or stars though they claim to know. We know this because theories are often changing and not necessarily advancing, but going different directions in explanation.

From amateur telescopes the stars look like beautiful lights with intricate design patters like snowflakes or water influenced by sound frequencies. They seem to have a layer of water in front of them or to be in water as they resemble a rippling effect. One morning, after learning more about this, the sun was still low in the sky and I was able to stare right at it without a problem. It looked like a film of water in front of it. It didn’t hurt my eyes at all. Makes me wonder why “the experts” are always so concerned for us when they know we will be staring at an eclipse. Something good we are missing out on?

Here is an example of footage captured of stars with amateur cameras and analog telescopes :
Stars Video

Here is an example of footage an astronomer captures that seems to be a ripple of water overlaying the moon:
Moon ripple clip

In 1965 the scientist R. Foster said he theorized the moon to be plasma.

R. Foster Video Clip from Heliosorcery Documentary

Gen 1:14

“And God said, Let there be lights IN the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:”

Sun & Moon

I’ve come to learn that the numbers they claim for the diameters of the sun and moon mimic numbers in the Bible. They say the sun has a diameter of 864,000 miles, and the moon is 2,160 miles in diameter. God gave the dimensions for Noah’s Ark to be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide. When using the accepted measure for a cubit being 24 inches, the length is 7,200” and width is 1,200”. The area is therefore 8,640,000 sq”.Same number for the sun’s diameter. We can do the same with the Ark of the Covenant and in converting the cubits to inches we get 60” x 36” = 2,160 sq”. The same number as the diameter of the moon. That’s not all. King Solomon’s Temple had 2 pillars that are said to be 18 cubits tall. 18 x 24” = 432”, this times 2 pillars equals 846”. The sun is said to have a diameter of 864,000 miles. Each base of the pillars had a circumference of 12 cubits. 12 x 18 = 216 cubits. The moon’s diameter is 2,160 miles. No wonder we see the sun and moon at the top of the pillars in Masonic artwork depicting their symbolism. Wait, there’s more! In the Bible it is said that they “compassed” or marched around Jericho 6 times. Circles of 360 degrees. 360 x 6 = 2160. The number they chose for the moon diameter of 2160 miles. The name “Jericho” means “city of the moon”. So it makes you think. Did they really measure these distances or did they get them from scriptures?

There is no evidence supporting the claim of sun being 93 million miles away. The claimed radar bounce was never successfully done, as the background and solar noise of the data drowns out any attempt to identify the alleged radar echo. In addition, the tests from the late 1950’s to early 60’s used an archaic Kerr model of the sun, required assumptive mathematical models, innovative coding methods, and still did not result in any reliable results.

If you were to use trigonometry to try and determine the distance to the moon and triangulate it, you also see the sun and moon appear to be the same size in the sky, so if you were to use trig, you would get a similar distance of the sun and moon. The globe model claims the sun is 400x bigger and 400x further away. You could claim any distance or size such as 5000x bigger and 5000x further away. You also have to assume you are seeing an actual position.

In the heliocentric model, the sun is supposedly a black body which absorbs all wavelengths of light, including radar. And the trigonometric method using the transit of Venus is unreliable and unfeasible in reality due to required length of baseline, atmospheric and temperature disturbances, required precision of observational synchronization, and resolvability requirements. Uses presupposed metrics of the globe.

One of the clearest evidences to me that the sun is small and local are Crepuscular Rays. Unlike Eratosthenes, we can see with our own eyes that the sunlight comes down to earth at angles which point you to estimated its position. Though you can’t determine an exact position, all the lines show you that it is small and local. The reality of this is most evident on cloudy days where the light comes through and clearly show the origin of the light, much like a street light at night. The suns behavior makes complete sense once you start observing it on a regular basis as it appears low in the sky in the morning, then warms you more when it’s overhead, then cools as it departs down in perspective as all things in the sky do as they go away from you.

They’ve measured the temperature of the moonlight vs the moon’s shade and the light is colder than its shade. It’s therefore a different type of light than the sun’s. This means that the moon is producing its own light and is not a reflection from the sun. Whatever causes the moon to produce the light that is different from the science. They wont tell us this because it destroys the model of what we’ve been told. Video description here .

Moonlight Experiment Demo 1: Video
Moonlight Experiment Demo 2: Video
Eclipses: Eclipse Video
Sunsets: Sunsets Video
Transparent Moon: Stars Shinning Through Moon


An Analemma is when the path of the sun makes an infinity sign if you were to track it or take a photo at the same time each day for a year. It is not a symmetrical infinity symbol as the end in the south is longer. The globe model explains the anomaly with the supposed tilt of the earth while in an elliptical orbit, but this does not make sense with equally sized hemispheres. The Analemma makes perfect sense on a flat plane with a local sun where the south has a larger circumference that the sun moves in. If the earth where a sphere, it would be expected for the Analemma to have equal sides to this infinity symbol with the theoretically equal sized hemispheres.

Analemma Timelapse: Seasons, Tides, & Time Zones – Ep. 30 – Uncommon Ground


“The backstory of the moon from modern science: In the beginning, the sun had dust particles that formed together to create the earth, since gravity formed everything. It’s magical yet insignificant. Then a mars-sized body hit into the compilation of dust particles and one of them stuck around because the sun and earth got into a custody battle for it. The earth won, so it got the moon. The chunk of earth kept morphing back into a sphere since spheres are the best shape. It happened to stop at the perfect distance away from the earth to end up looking like the same size as the sun when we eventually evolved enough from the primordial soup to look at it. We can see stars through it but it’s solid. We have perfect 90 degree craters on it. It will only show us one side because it is schizophrenic. The moon rotates at just the perfect speed because if it happened to have gone one fourth of a mile per hour faster or slower, we would see the rest of the moon.” Austin Witsit

The globe model claims the moon is slowing down the earth’s rotation over time yet they also say the earth in general has been speeding up. When I was in school, I was taught the moon was the main factor in effecting the ocean tides, but now they say the sun plays an even larger role. I don’t think they ever mentioned the sun effecting tides when I was in school. Now they are saying the sun adds dramatically along with the moon and even far away planets are effecting the tides. So basically anything you observe about a tide can be explained by things in the sky. All this motion they describe creates a hula hoop effect where the earth is rotating and getting pulled in different directions between moon and sun and the water is actually staying still with a bulge. All this pulling supposedly creates a massive bulge at the equator also, but we are yet to see the bulge, which would be 3 stories high if you flew a plane over it, and tides do not behave like this in reality. There is no demonstration that can be done on earth to show the theory of gravity causing these effects such as tides, they are just theories and they are debunked by observing what tides actually do. They are different all over the world and in some places there are no changes in tide at all. But in the models they show an entire side of the globe being pulled by the moon.

Here is a video about how tides work on a globe: Globe Ocean’s Tides Explained

In reality, tides are different all over the world and in some places the tide never changes. There are times where tides have equal magnitude on both sides of the earth at the same time. They call this an anomaly cause it doesn’t fit their narrative. It has been shown that Tidal Nodes are what causes tides. When looking at the data image of tides it looks like a 4 leaf clover as if to be caused by magnetic toroidal field theory. Nova Scotia has the biggest tide change in the world. You might not even notice any tide change when visiting Hawaii, but expect a dramatic tide change like you’d get in Vancouver.

The graphics and videos mainstream science uses to illustrate tides do not reflect what happens in reality with Tidal Node data.

A theory of everything being a toroidal field sounds like a viable concept to me the more I hear about it. There is a presentation about it that is summarized as being a 3 part analogy. The painter, the painting, and the canvas. The painter is the creative force above us, God. The canvas is the Ether that is at rest. The painting is what becomes of the emanating force coming down from above and through the Ether, putting stress on the Ether and rippling through. Tesla described the force as being Prana. The electrostatic phenomena is a result of the Ether being under stress and creating the world and literally holds it all together.

This would make sense for explaining how there can be places of rest in the Tidal Nodes. When you look at the torus generated designs, there are spots of rest. The toroidal field could also explain a state of rest in the horizontal axis where there would be what’s called the “block domain wall”, creating a flat plane.

There are are variety of factors that could be contributing to the tides. The constant flow of rivers into the oceans, wind patterns, the change of temperatures, and variations of atmospheric pressure which can go from 990 to 1040 hectopascals where a change in 1 hectopascal can cause a centimeter rise or fall of ocean level. So an average of 50 centimeters just based on that alone. This is known as Atmospheric Tides or Barometric Tides and has been widely studied and confirmed. The gravitation theory about tides is unnecessary and obsolete but they always reference that theory since it’s always been taught. Gravitation THEORY, meaning not proven. Another factor could be an electromagnetic interaction with the sun and moon’s movements. Water is diamagnetic where it is opposed to the influence of a magnetic field. This fits well with the “torus in a dome” theory with the sun and moon interacting. Salt water is effected to a much greater degree than fresh water.

“You rule the swelling of the sea; When its waves rise, You still them.”
Psalms 89:9


I did not know about the Selenelion Eclipse, also known as “the impossible eclipse”, first recorded as observed in 1666 coincidentally, where the sun and moon are up above the earth and in our view at the same time and yet a shadow is cast onto the moon while the sun is up above it. They don’t mention this eclipse when you look up eclipses online, and I don’t recall ever hearing about it in school, but when you search for it on it’s own you can read about how it happens often. It’s a geometric impossibility and wouldn’t work on the heliocentric model.

Here is a video showing and explaining that “over 50 times in the last 500 years has none other than the Royal Astronomical Society of Britain noted lunar eclipses when both the sun and moon were visible in the sky…several times the alleged ball of the earth’s shadow was on the wrong side of the lunar disc.” (Shadow on the top section of moon when it should have been on the bottom.)

Lunar eclipses also are seen to cast a dark black shadow when first approaching, but then get red as it covers. Some say this is the “Black Sun” referenced since ancient times that happens in 18 year cycles. Rahu, Ketu. Possibly celestial bodies that are outside our spectrum of light as they have been captured by cameras with different lenses where they are invisible to the naked eye, but appear on cameras with different lenses. There are also eclipses that often have the shadow coming from top to bottom where this is not explained in the globe theory.

Selenelion Eclipse

You can do a test that would mimic how they say eclipses work by shinning a light across 2 spheres and see that it creates more of an ELLIPSE as it comes in and out. People just think the concept makes enough sense so that’s enough to believe it.

The moon’s shadow is extremely small and the globe claims cannot be demonstrated in reality. Eclipses would demand the sunlight not be traveling to earth at parallel angles. If it were, the shadow would be cylindrical with a diameter of approximately 2000 miles. If they say they are divergent sun rays, then this would falsify how Eratosthenes got the measurement of a spherical earth. He did not know about light refraction as that did not get discovered until the 1600’s, so his numbers would have been extremely inaccurate, but modern physics claims he was nearly correct.

To predict eclipses they use ascension, inclination, orbital path, siderial rotation, etc. and they get more accurate the closer the moon gets. The predictions are not based on a heliocentric model. They wait a few weeks out to even try and start making predictions. They were wrong on the last prediction where they had to change the path up to a mile from 115 to 114. They claimed it was the angular size of the sun that was actually bigger than they thought. They were measuring the decimal places of 2 arch seconds. So they should be able to say the sun changes 0.8 arch seconds from sunrise to noon and back down to sunset, but this doesn’t match reality. They say it is such a small error, but it shows they get it wrong. We are led to think the model is perfect, but it is not true. If the heliocentric model was true, everything should be predictable exactly. The 3 body problem shows they still can’t figure the math to show this working.

Models for anticipating what happens in the sky are made by looking at the sky for thousands of years so of course they will closely match in both the heliocentric and flat ideas. The eclipses are simply post-dictions, not pre-dictions. Civilizations have been able to accurately anticipate eclipses all the way back to the Chaldeans in 2500 BC using Antikythera Mechanisms. Everything in the sky keeps happening over and over so it’s more so an evidence of a clock-like system rather than a happenstance of randomness and chaos like the Big Bang that just magically worked out like clock-work as the globe claims.

Can you know how far away something is in the sky if you don’t know the size of it? How do you know the size of something far away if you’ve never examined it up close or have a reference point? 92,955,807 miles to the sun? 226,000 miles to the moon? Yes, you can triangulate things on earth, but not in the sky so far away as the sun is. They decided the sun was 93 million miles away by assuming Venus was exactly the same size as the earth, and assuming earths size, when Venus transited the sun, people from different locations recorded when it started and ended at different times, in different locations, and then they did their math. Problem is, THEY ASSUMED THE SIZE OF EARTH AND VENUS. There is no reference point to measure.

The moon is similar to Mercury in respect to it throwing a wrench in the globe model. They see all the planets having similar ratios but when it comes to Mercury, it has a Perihelion Shift that doesn’t match anything, can’t use gravity, it doesn’t match the ratios. It is like the creator wanted to enter some issues for their model. They actually came up with a theory that there is an imaginary planet that we can not see that is causing Mercury to pull it.

If Eratosthenes’ said the sun’s rays are parallel, it would falsify how eclipses work.

Arthur Eddington Experiment – They predicted that because of relativity that you would see a star behind the eclipse because the gravitational field would bend the light around so you could see the star even though it was behind it. “Gravitational Lensing”. Eddington had many plates, around 30, but didn’t observe it on any plates except 3 that allegedly got destroyed. Eddington himself said it was a huge problem for relativity, but they went with it anyways saying it proved it.

The globe model claims it can predict eclipses, but in reality they are updating it as it gets closer and closer to an eclipse. They are not able to make a 3 body model to predict eclipses> When they try in a computer it fails to function and they call it “the 3 body problem”. In reality both the flat earth and globe map out eclipses based on watching the path of the moon.

“It should be added that not only eclipses but also all luminous manifestations as well as atmospheric and geological phenomena, such as comets, flying saucers, falls of meteorites, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, inundations, tornadoes and even thunderstorms, rain and snow, are always systematically accompanied by aspects formed by the satellite discs of the earth with certain fixed degrees. It may be easily checked, for instance, that earthquakes only occur when there are simultaneous aspects with the 8th degree of Aries, loth of Capricorn, 29th of Sagittarius and 2nd of Aquarius.

– Heaven and Earth by Gabrielle Henriet

Eclipses don’t look like what they tell us as you can see this one coming in and out at different angles: Solar Eclipse from Burnet, Texas

Something more interesting is going on: Extra body

General Eclipse Analysis: Eclipse Video

There have been alternative theories to what may be happening during “eclipses”. It may be we are observing an effect similar to polarizing lenses or even another celestial body coming into play.

The strange orb has been captured on a 24 hour weather advisory camera in Colorado.

There is also an interesting phenomenon called Shadow Bands that seem to be reflecting solar light like water on glass near the time of an eclipse. I’d like to investigate all this further with my own video recordings next time there’s an eclipse.


Satellites are not a problem for the flat earth model. At high altitudes they are able to catch what’s called an Ether Drift.The equations they use for satellites account for a stationary earth with actual inertial forces. The math they use is for ellipses and circular paths over a flat plane. In the globe earth model the earth is in a free-fall so the satellites would have to be falling in a straight path and not turning. This contradicts what satellites would need to be doing based on the heliocentric model so it’s actually a proof the earth is not a sphere.

It is also well known that there are satellites in the sky by use of balloons called satelloons, but this isn’t anything prove one way or another. There is less resistance at higher altitudes so satellites could be using electrogravidcic propulsion. There are things concerning satellites that they don’t disclose to the public so it could also involve technology we don’t know about. StarLink for example, doesn’t seem to collaborate with the technology we know about. The speeds are beyond what more studied satellites are capable of so it’s a bit of a mystery still.

It’s odd they say the Hubble Telescope is in the Thermosphere where it’s 500 – 2000 degrees. They will then say the heat is not felt because there is no medium for the sun’s heat to transfer, but then it is transfered to the atmosphere of earth. How would the heat pass the satellite unscathed and heat the earth if there is no medium in space for heat to transfer? Similarly, what would be the medium for satellites to travel outside earth’s atmosphere and in space while keeping them going so fast with the earth even if it was gravity? How would satellites gain speed to orbit? There would need to be a change in velocity while free-falling.

“…space without ether is unthinkable…”


Satellite technology is all engineered for coordinate system transform. We know that there is an Ether drift that causes the weather patterns, trade-winds, all at different altitudes like a torus field. They have kinematic measurements of the Ether Drift. The less dense the medium, the faster it can move in the Aether wind. We don’t know for sure what they are doing exactly as it’s kept quiet and mainstream science is not allowed to know. Though we know they have equations for EPS satellites and it is made for a flat and stationary earth. All the world governments are working together on sky phenomenon with the ISS.

Satellites don’t correct for earth’s orbit, they correct for ecliptic path which is just true motion. It proves the earth isn’t in a free fall, which GPS falsifies, since it corrects its path explicitly to a geocentric stationary frame that’s synched to sidereal time, meaning to rotation of the stars. This is a huge issue for anyone thinking the earth is in free-fall.

The ECI is synched to sidereal time (stars/sky moving) and considers the speed of light. They’re saying it’s set to center of the earth as the coordinated reference frame, the ECEF then transforms that back to where it was originally was taken from which is the absolute flat plane. It’s a way for them to say it’s based on the globe but it’s not. They could literally make the shape of the earth be anything they wanted and make a coordinate system to make it look that shape and it would still operate correctly flat since it’s offset.

“Again, once more for the record: It has been shown at least six different ways this century alone that the equations and physics used by NASA to launch satellites are identical to the equations derived from a geocentric universe. Thus, if anything, it proves egocentricity and disproves heliocentrism. The evidence for heliocentrism is even weaker than the evidence for evolution.”

– Astronomer Gerard’s D Bout, PH.D

Time dilation synchronization they claim they have to do on GPS navigation satellites. They claim they have to synchronize the clocks and take into account time dilation for orbiting satellites. The way atomic clocks work is they use their own terminology such as the Cesium atomic clock using Cesium atoms that have a vibrational rate that will quantify a second as “clicks”. Like 9 billion clicks per second. They run it through magnetic fields and they separate them into two groups cause they change the spin of them in different directions. As it monitors vibrational rate, they send out microwaves to tune it back in. According to the GPS manuals it is anisotropic meaning that it has a preferred direction and specifically about the direction the satellite is moving so it corrects for velocity of the satellite and direction. Relativities prediction for it didn’t work. Implemented etheric model where if something is moving it’s the rate of light plus the velocity. “C + V” in order to do GPS properly. Relativity would just be “C”.

1971 Hafele and Keating Experiment – Time dilation test that claims to have proved Einstein’s prediction of time dilation in the atomic clocks. They took clocks and synchronized them and put on planes at different heights and speeds, different directions, monitored the clocks, expecting different times based on direction they were flying, in actuality it sped up and slowed down in both directions. It was specifically a problem for relativity but Wikipedia will say it proved it.

To fix the GPS relativistic time dilation issue they brought in Ron Hatch in to fix the GPS, he won all sorts of GPS awards like Nobel Prize, and he wrote a paper about it how he just went against relativity. They will say satellites prove relativity, but this is not the case. Their papers also show that they do corrections to add for earth’s rotation and then later add a correction which removes the earth rotation. Discussion: Satellite related video

In the video it explains that they were caught adding to satellite data which they claimed was the raw data. They had made it look like relativity was being observed naturally, but it wasn’t the raw data. They were caught lying about satellites. The real data falsified relativity. For satellites to work, they use Newtonian Mechanics, meaning the earth must be stationary.

In order for them to try and make the math work for the data of GPS they are coming up with hypothetical reference frames that claim relativity could make sense and be observed if a day was 6 months long. This should make us all question our confidence in their globe model. They have to step far outside of reality to make math work to describe what they want to see.

When Georges Sagnac rotated the interferometer and tested for earth’s rotation in 1913, this should have been the end of the question about earth rotating, but they kept it all alive by adding theories on top since they would not accept it.

Technology has outpaced their idea of relativity but they choose to hold on. There is no demonstration of something able to free-fall and change direction perpetually. Physics here has become anomalous.

Wikipedia was caught removing this quote about Coriolis once people started putting videos out about it though it’s still in current text books and a fact of physics.

“It is seen that the Coriolis acceleration not only cancels the centrifugal acceleration, but together they provide a net centripetal, radially inward component of acceleration that is directed toward the center of rotation.”

Wikipedia before removed

To summarize, people often think that satellites prove a heliocentric spinning globe, but because they are shown to use Newtonian Mechanics, contrarily they are just more physical proof that the earth is stationary.

Kola Superdeep Borehole

Textbooks claim to know what is at the center of the earth, but humans have only drilled 7.8 miles into the crust. On their model this is barely into the skin on an apple. As they penetrated the earth, they were wrong nearly each step of the way when predicting what they’d hit. A layer was wet when they expected dry, dry when wet, hot when cold, cold when hot. It’s called The Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia and they hit a point where they can’t penetrate any further.

When they say they hit a “geochemical anomaly”, it just means what they found didn’t match their prediction. Scientism. Because they have a globe model, there is a fixed mass and density of the earth. When they do seismology, shooting sound waves down, they make conclusions based on the globe model. This is why they are surprised when they don’t hit what they expect because the model they are using is fixed in terms of what it has to be. Just by drilling down they found out the model is incorrect. The ramifications of this fact are major because it falsifies the globe model.

If they can’t predict the first 8 miles, it’s a stretch to think they can tell you what’s at the center 3,959 miles deep. They say the center is burning hot magnetic lava yet when you heat up magnetic material it looses its magnetism. They still teach it like they know all these things to be fact in the schools and textbooks.

Flight Simulations

Google software will do flight simulations, but they don’t match reality. It will show a flight going over the curve of the earth with The Great Rift ahead and the constellations quickly rise up over head as if to simulate the dropping effect over the curve, but when tested side by side with reality you’ll see the constellation hardly moves, actually drops a bit, and the earth remains flat and stationary.

How a Pilot Ended the Globe Part 1 .
Chasing the Sun .

Emergency Landings

Emergency landings show that the routes where a plane lands in an emergency doesn’t make sense on a globe. But make perfect sense on a flat earth map. An example was a flight from Taiwan to Los Angeles. They had an emergency and on a globe they should have landed in Hawaii or turned back, but they went all the way up to Alaska. A flat map shows Alaska is directly over their route from Taiwan to Los Angeles. Many flights are basically the same on both maps so you’d never notice, but these emergency’s have exposed people to what was going on. There is a book called 16 Emergency Landings Proving a Flat Earth . It has maps that show where the globe model would make no sense for an emergency landings, going way out of the way, yet on the flat model it would be a straight line with the flight destinations.

There has never been a circumnavigation of earth going north to south, only east to west.

Circumnavigation Documentation


A gyroscope is a measurement. It’s kinematics. It cannot tell you which is moving, the Earth or the sky.

Ring laser gyroscopes change readings based on time of year and altitude. If on a sphere, based on where you are on the latitude would determine a different reading of the gyroscope. This has been thoroughly tested with different types of gyros and pendulums. The measurements should stay the same in a location no matter the season but it doesn’t. It changes based on where the moon and sun are. This is called periodicity. There is no rebuttal to this. Periodicity effects readings. A 30% difference in seasons. Gyroscopes change at altitude, it’s related to the sidereal rotation. The sky has been shown to be moving around the earth. The light in a gyroscope shows something else that’s moving, an ether drift. Something bridges motion up there in the sky but it’s not the earth moving. People think the laser gyroscope proves the globe but it’s the opposite when you look into it. There is a good debate about all this here.

Fact Check

Every flat earth video now has a “fact-check’ box below saying it is disproven. Is this true? What have other physicists said about that? Just like they said Ivermectin was disinformation and qualified doctors were silenced? All I really want to say is for people to be intellectually honest with themselves and look into it as deep as it takes to understand the claims yourself. You’ll come to realize some information is more difficult to get because they suppress its availability. Here are 50 books about flat-earth that you likely haven’t heard of if you never looked into the topic. When I heard in a video that there were newspaper articles of the past about teachers being persecuted for teaching the globe, I couldn’t find them easily. They were even deleted from the sources I was given.

See if you truly agree with their model of the world once you understand how heliocentrism works. Most people don’t know what it is they believe when they say the earth is a globe. That’s because they taught it to you so young. So you’d never question it. I realized I had no true understanding of what I believed until I looked into it more.

Mirosław Hermaszewski was a “Polish cosmonaut, fighter plane pilot, and Polish Air Force officer. He became the first and, at the time of his death in December 2022, only Polish national to ever go to space when he flew aboard the Soviet Soyuz 30 spacecraft in 1978.” – In an interview he says something no one was expecting to hear.

“I assure you, it’s flat.”

Mirosław Hermaszewski – Polish Cosmonaut

There are many others that have spoken the truth. You just don’t hear about them.

“We haven’t been to space. If someone claims that we have been, it is not true. it is not the truth.”

Igor Volk – Soviet Cosmonaut

Child asks him “Why haven’t we gone back to the moon?
Buzz replies “Because we didn’t go there.”

Buzz Aldrin – United States Cosmonaut

Philosophy Pseudoscience

I’ve come to learn that all the heliocentric measurements are pseudoscience where they have written math to give an explanation to their theories. It’s all based on the assumption that the earth is a sphere. There are numerous physicists, including their favorites like Einstein, that admit it is all a matter of philosophy to say the earth is a sphere or flat. When he was able to create a theory to allow for them to believe in Heliocentrism, they celebrated him. This is why they always say “Einstein” when praising someone as a genius. Same goes for “rocket-science”. People say “It’s not rocket science” implying that to be the highest form of complex science. You will come to find that rockets are not what they say and they don’t do what they say. Nothing gets through the glass ceiling. There is evidence that these rockets are helium powered balloons and CGI.

“I demonstrate by means of PHILOSOPHY that the earth is round, and is inhabited on all sides, that it is insignificantly small, and is borne through the stars.”

– Johannes Kepler

Cosmology Today

Cosmology today has come to a standstill because they choose not to accept Geocentrism. They are saying Dark Matter doesn’t exist which they needed to account for to make sense of their gravity equations. They are also throwing Relativity out the window. They have models for gravity in a solar system with 2 objects that works perfect in their super computer, but once you add even one additional object, such as the moon, it is quickly out of control and falls apart. It also doesn’t make sense on an elementary level that when the moon is in-between the earth and the sun, if the sun has greater mass, gravity would suggest the moon be pulled out to the sun or at least cause the moon to wobble, yet in reality it’s a perfect orbit? People don’t realize that scientists are proposing all sorts of models to figure this out today, but it’s all because they want to hold onto the ball.

The geocentric model would mean we are special. It would also mean we’d realize they may be hiding more land. Those in authority know this, and I could see why they wouldn’t want us to know. The Flat Earth Society is run by the government. It is not what ‘Flat Earthers’ believe. Their website makes ridiculous claims and it exists so people will come to it and think it’s unbelievable and to not look any further. Johnny Carson had the president of the Flat Earth Society on his TV show where the guy claimed to have nearly fallen off the edge of the Earth, grabbed onto the edge of a rock, and brought it onto the show. This was all to discredit and mock the truth and keep people from looking into it.

While making claims about climate change Obama mocked flat earth on TV saying he lacked “patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real.” … “We don’t have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society.” This was a clever way to point to the source they’d like people to check out and look no further.

Globe Model

Some argue there are too many models of flat earth, and some say “where’s the model? But in reality there are actually zero models of the globe that work. What you do is model different phenomenon. For example, the globe has a Geodynamo Model about the core, nothing provable. A magnetic field model, which is provably not working. Harvard and Yale will tell you that haven’t been able to figure it out. Everyone has different opinions about how things are working, but nothing has been proven. They have discrepancies in their seismic data so their Seismology Models aren’t working. They can’t explain Dark Matter or Dark Energy or how the galaxy rotational speeds don’t match the prediction of gravity. The galaxy cluster discovered by Fritz Zwicky only had 1% of the mass predicted for gravitational pull required inside the cluster from escaping. So they invented Dark Matter. This would have to make up for 85% of all matter. So in actuality the globe model is always updating with new theories that are going further from the truth of the matter. Pun intended.

Again, the globe model now says we are free-falling, curving, around the sun. Not the average person knows this.

Also have Accelerative Expansion from Ed Hubble in 1927 that said it looks like we’re in the center so they created the theory that it’s an illusion we are in the center. They keep needing to change how fast things move. To explain how they thought red shift was happening they had to change theory from space traveling 4 times faster than the speed of light to 8 times faster. Now they have something called the Cosmological Constant problem where they need to explain what is causing this incredible speed. Dark Energy. Dark Energy and Dark Matter they theorize to make up 96% of the universe. Dark basically means “we don’t know”. There are over 200 different models of Newtonian Dynamics. There are relativistic modified Newtonian Dynamics. There are electromagnetic gravity theories. There are “push” gravity theories, there are “aetheric” models. They haven’t figured things out.

They say the sun in 93 million miles away because in the 60’s they sent radar to the sun and timed how long it would take using the speed of light get back. They also say the sun is a Black Body, which means it would absorb radiation and all light. It emits Black Body Radiation. They could not have reflected radar back because radar is electromagnetic radiation and would be absorbed by the sun.

They had a model that claimed the core of earth is made of iron that made the magnetic field, they changed it to being very hot. We know that when metals get melted they loose their magnetic properties. Now the core temperature they claim is way too high. So they created a new theory that the magnetic field doesn’t come from the core, but comes from the outer core spinning. They have tried replicating this in a lab and it doesn’t work. The math doesn’t even work with super computers today. The model at the moment is impossible. The sphere would have to be symmetrical to even work, but they say it’s asymmetrical. “The Baron Asymmetry Problem“.

They say the earth has 4 different wobbles. Can an object even have more than 2 wobbles? You’ll come to find that each wobble is just what they had to add in order to explain away new observations in the sky. Instead of accepting things to possibly be moving independent of the earth, they choose to explain it away with math. They should at least demonstrate in reality that an object could have 4 wobbles. They don’t even explain why it would wobble.

“Don’t worry bro, we believe matter contracts in the direction of motion and the apparatus that was set to measure the alleged motion of the earth contracted just the sufficient amount to compensate for the missing time difference to make it look like the earth is stationary, we are actually free-falling in a linear path and curved path going 1.3million mph through the galaxy and 1000mph around the sun, you just can’t tell.”

– summary of globe earth model from Austin at Witsitgetsit.

Remember what Einstein himself said and look into what model makes sense to you:

“The struggle, so violent in the early days of science, between the views of Ptolemy and Copernicus would then be quite meaningless, either coordinate system could be used with equal justification. The two sentences, “The sun is at rest and the earth moves,” or “The sun moves and the earth is at rest,” would simply mean two different conventions concerning two different coordinate systems.”

– Albert Einstein, The Evolution of Physics: From Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta, p.224, 1938

They say we are orbiting the sun. If you were to send a probe out into space and look back at the solar system, you still wouldn’t be able to observably prove that the earth moves around the sun. In the globe model there is a kinematic and dynamic equivalence according to relativity. All motion is relative. In other words, you’d have to get WAY further out of the solar system to even look back and see the earth orbiting around the sun. You’d have to get outside the galaxy. Yet they claim they know we orbit the sun just from observations on earth.

There are many books that observe the evidence of the earth being flat, such as “His Pronouncement”, from the 1900’s that discuss sailor navigation issues with the globe. In the south there were huge discrepancies with the globe model maps that were throwing off sailors and even causing ship wrecks. It recently came to my attention that Japan found 7,000 new islands it didn’t know about since they were not on their globe model! See article here.

Google Earth demonstrates issues with the globe model when entering east and west directions: Video example.

Here is another online software that lets you observe things on the earth and test what the sun and moon are doing:


Occult Beliefs

Deuteronomy 4:19
“And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven.”

Romans 1:25
“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.”

As I write this I’m realizing the correlation to when they mentioned Hilary “breaking the glass ceiling”. It becomes clear when you discover Hilarion was prophesied in Aleister Crowley’s occult writing The Book of the Law in 1904. Hilarion was prophesied to come the same year Hilary was born and is in reference to Babalon as a goddess found in this occult system of Thelema. They believe Hilary could be Hilarion.

According to the Bible, in Babylon they tried to build a tower high enough to reach heaven, as I now see to be passed the firmament, but God scattered them. They see America as the New Babalon. There is plenty of evidence correlating what we see today with the occult origins of science and beliefs of Freemasonry, Luciferianism, and ancient Egyptian beliefs. It is spoken about in The Secrets of America, by Manly P. Hall.

Don’t you ever wonder why all these “planets” (little planes?) are named after Greek gods? And all the buildings in DC look just like temples in Rome? The layout of Washington DC itself is for occult ritual and they think they have the power of the Bible “bound” in an occult ritualistic layout in a room under the capitol building. Inside the dome is filled with Masonic symbolism such as the 72 stars which represents the number of fallen angels. It all ties into the Egyptian myths about Isis and Osiris and how they expect to raise his spirit into a president. They perform a ritual during each inauguration. Even the 13 Colonies of America had symbolic meaning to them as being the 13 body parts of Osiris to “form a more perfect union”. It was symbolic of his future resurrection. They expect this will be the Anti-Christ. There is a thorough documentary about it called “Belly of the Beast” that explains this all in more detail. John Podesta is seen with the number 14 on one hand and a fish on the other. Referencing Osiris’ 14 total body parts and one eaten by fish . (The phallus). The Phallus is symbolized in the obelisk in DC.

All the planets, including the sun, revolve round the earth. These circumstances cannot be denied since they are plainly visible, either in the ordinary way with the naked eye, or with the help of the telescope. It can be said, in this connection, that in the case of a science which should be based exclusively on observation and not on speculation such as astronomy, the evidence of the senses is the only factor upon which conclusions can, and must be, based. This method of investigation by means of the senses is neither primitive nor naive, as has been suggested; it is used in all existing sciences, except in occult research, where invisible phenomena are described as real, and exactly, it may be remarked, as in the case of the gravitation system. If the planets can be seen revolving round the earth, it is for the decisive factor that they do revolve in such a way. It is asserted that this is not so, and it is maintained that the earth and the planets revolve round the sun.
– Heaven and Earth by Gabrielle Henriet

Isn’t it odd Elon Musk would wear a Baphomet costume in his Twitter profile picture? Does he not know this would be making a statement to the world on what side he stands on? “Baphomet is a deity which the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping that subsequently became incorporated into various occult and Western esoteric traditions.”

Many Masonic Lodges are named after Copernicus.

“Neuralink” in greek gematria equals 666.
Try if for yourself:
Gematria translator
Paste here

Suggestion: Maybe don’t get the chip.

Jeremiah 10:11
“Tell them this: These gods will disappear from the earth and from under heaven because they didn’t make heaven and earth.”

Why the lie?

Seems like they’ve done this to have control and it’s not the first time. They have led the masses to believe they are insignificant and a random happenstance through the Big Bang and Evolution, giving more focus to Earth as Gaia the Mother Earth and the Sun as a god. The idea to teach this was orchestrated by Jesuit priests and one especially that said,

“Since printing cannot be put down, it is best to set up learning against learning, and by introducing all persons to dispute, to suspend the laity between fear and controversy. This at most will make them attentive to their superiors and teachers.”

– Cardinal Wolsey.

It all makes people think they have no creator and in that mindset will look to human authority on all matters. I notice now that I’ve come to the knowledge of Biblical Cosmology that I hold my head up higher and look forward to making eye contact with people. I see people are in a stupor of unimportance out in public and though I was a Christian before accepting a flat earth, I recall feeling the pressure. On the contrary, our Father is in Heaven right above our heads, wanting us to look up, just like the Bible describes.

Mark 7:34
“Then, looking up to heaven, He sighed, and said to him, “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened.”

Psalm 102:19
“The LORD looked down from his sanctuary on high, from heaven he viewed the earth, Tell them the LORD looked down from his heavenly sanctuary.”

Daniel 2:28
“…but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.”

Clearly the scriptures describe heaven being above us and this is where God sits on the throne. He is not is some distant galaxy or alternate universe or dimension as modern science would convince you to believe.

Psalm 11:4
“The LORD is in his holy temple; the LORD is on his heavenly throne.”

Funny, Hollywood has a movie recently called “Don’t Look Up”. But we know that instinctually people will look up when they cry out to God for help in dire need even if they proclaim to be atheists.

We know for sure that the calendar has been altered by the Romans and the Gregorian updates. The story is all recorded in the skies so we need to review where we are. The Book of Enoch as well as the rest of the scriptures give us directions. Here is an overview of the real calendar we should be aware of since they seem to not want us to know it.

13 Month Calendar.
The Enoch Calendar

Many theorize there is most definitely free-energy they’ve had in the past and there could be more land they would rather us not know about. There is evidence that beautiful old buildings are being destroyed and the origins of the buildings have questionable stories. The pyramids were clearly build with tools far better than what we have today as they had drill bits that were 500x more efficient than what we had in 1983.

Interesting note: Trump mentioned the “gold domes” being destroyed in the recent 2024 debate with Biden.

“There are things that are so serious that you can only joke about them.”
– Werner Heisenberg

While continuing further into this research I’ve come to learn more about how the world is actually being run. I don’t feel led to rant much about it here since this summary is more focused on the earth debate, but I encourage people to look into curious observations I’ve picked up from others. For instance, in the United States we can research the financial system and origins of banks and courts of law. To start, there are many examples of how words have altered meaning by omitting earlier definitions, but that doesn’t mean the old is lost, especially in the study of law. The word “resident” is short for “resident alien” because we are technically “foreigners” to the States since we are “citizens of the United States“, being the corporation in the District of Columbia. We are all Enemies of the State as franchises of this foreign company that was registered July 3rd 1776 in the U.K. We are “birthed” just like ships are “berthed” through a “canal” to the “dock door”, “doctor”. We then get our “citizenSHIP” with a social “security” number since a financial security trust has been issued at our berth, “In God we trust“. We’ve been “mortgaged“. Mortgage means a “dead pledge”. We become indentured servants that “register” everything to the crown. “Regis” means “regal”, loyalty to the crown. They mortgaged all your property rights . Now we’re all exchanging debt security notes which aren’t real money . The courts are merely banks themselves that print their own currency off of securities they create when we get in trouble. They can sell these securities to private investors, so you are the asset they profit off. I know, it all seems pretty dark and depressing, but wouldn’t you rather know? “Asking” questions makes you “as-king” when it comes to knowing about the “wizard of oz” behind the curtain. This all might seem off topic, but it becomes relevant when you start asking yourself “why the lie?” “All roads lead to Rome” and from there to Babylon.

Here is Jordan Maxwell explaining the Phoenician root of our language and the importance of knowing where the words are coming from.

Maritime Admiralty Law – Jordan Maxwell

If you still don’t think they are lying about the shape of the earth, here is National Geographic caught lying about a curvature test they did. The helicopter was shown the wrong direction and the foreground of the water was duplicated.

National Geographic Helicopter

The Tartarian Empire (Part2): Remnant Power

The Egyptians had better drilling technology 500x better than we did in 1983: Egyptian Pyramid Mystery

America is not a free country. We are currently working for England. All the courts and banks are established to serve England and these Masonic organizations that run the world. Jordan Maxwell has been a great resource to waking me up about some of this:

Jordan Maxwell: The Real Power

Propaganda and Predictive Programming

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Alleged quotation of Joseph Goebbels

Start every movie with the image of a globe? Maybe there’s a reason behind the logo?

They want people living in fear that we could be hit by an asteroid or that aliens could come to earth from far away. This gives them plenty of options to choose from to keep us obedient when they create events. They manufacture the problems and then provide the solutions, just like a teacher in class. They have all these scenarios planted in movies so we subconsciously expect things and never question them.

Movies and shows also tell you what the earth is like, they put it right there so that they are technically not even lying since they think they can say “we told you”. Just check out some of the quotes in movies like Men in Black, the Truman Show, and depictions in The Simpsons and Hunger Games. They are all depicting Biblical Cosmology.

Wernher Von Braun, an original at NASA, wrote a fictional book in 1948 called “Mars Project” where the main character is named “Elon” that brings people to Mars on a rocket. Could this be that they will fly to outer regions passed Antartica where Admiral Byrd described there being more land bigger than America? “Extra-terrestrials”, the extra-terra, extra land, people from the “outer space”? Side-note: recently there have been 3 whistle-blowers that said there is no 24 hour sun at the South Pole as they claim. Flat Earthers have been asking for video evidence for years and so videos started popping up in 2016 which have been caught as edited. There has never been an unedited 24 hour sun at the South Pole.

On a positive note, the mainstream science can’t always catch the slip-ups to the narrative and the deeper sect of their religion says they have to tell us. The movies and television tell us. This is why we witness interesting reveals of the truth in media. For instance when Sesame Street points out the globe and spaceship in the fiction section on their show, I believe that was clearly intentional. This is a way for them to try and justify that they are not committing sin because they could claim they told us. It is a way of getting consent from us since God has given us freewill. If someone was selling poisonous lemonade on the street with a sign that says it’s poisonous, would they be guilty if you chose to buy it anyways? Or would it only be sin if it was hidden? When they are caught faking things, it’s often like they don’t seem to be trying too hard to hide it. NASA has never come out with any apologies or rebuttals to the innumerable examples of mistakes and clear deception. All the obvious inconsistencies get brushed off as “conspiracy theories”, though there’s clear evidence.

“Look! I see the emperor has no clothes!”
“What? No, that’s just a conspiracy theory!”
“But look! You can see with your own eyes!”
“Nope! No need to look, they said themselves that it’s just a conspiracy theory”.

Space force logo is the same as Star Trek.
Star Wars “Death Star” looks like “Eye of Ra” and sculptures all over the world like The Vatican.
Jules Verne – From the Earth to the Moon (Predicted Apollo Mission a century early.)

Notable movies and shows:
2001: Space Odyssey, Star Wars, ET, Back to the Future, Men in Black, Truman Show, Sesame Street, The Simpsons, Hunger Games.

Personal Research

Because everyone has different questions about how a Flat Earth might be our reality, it becomes most evident when you look into questions yourself. I am simply doing a data dump here of what I’ve found and have concluded personally that the earth is not a sphere.

If you are a Christian and upset with the idea of a Flat Earth, just know that it has led many to seek God. When people look into it, they see how special we are, how our creator set all this up for us, and they see the Bible is true in how our world is described. As we see the deception we’ve been taught, the need of our savior Jesus Christ becomes all the more clear as he created us with God the Father. “Let us make mankind in our image.” – Genesis 1:26. We can let go of the ball.

Those in control are hand-in-hand with the enemy to keep us from this truth and they see us like cattle. No one has an excuse when seeing creation wether flat or curved, it confirms we have a creator, but how much more so would people trust God if they knew the true nature of earth not being a random explosion and humans evolving from primordial soup.

The elites know the power of the programming and that ridiculing people who challenge their narrative is a powerful tool. People that question the narrative are immediately scoffed at and called “idiot” or “crazy”. All because of what people are programmed to believe. If you allow the evidence of flat earth to sink in, you will start to break off the programming and feel a spiritual and mental shift. You’ll come to find out that people all throughout history had a flat-earth understanding. The blinders can come off. All you need to do is look into it yourself, at least try to debunk it, and you will eventually see through the lies.

‘What is history, but a fable agreed upon?’”

Napoleon? Voltaire? Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle? Claude Adrien Helvétius? Wendell Phillips? Ralph Waldo Emerson?
(Ironically the history of this quote is not agreed upon)

When I got into questioning why they would do this, I came across others discussing evidence that the elites have been hiding history. Not only concerning the science of flat-earth, but artifacts and architecture has been discovered and silenced by archeologists. For example, the “bee in amber” that proves the earth is young from looking at the Radiohalos. A scientist extracted live bacteria in the bee that was said to be millions of years old. However, it showed to only be several thousands and disproved the dinosaur dates. Of course you would not hear about this unless you looked into it. The evidence points to dinosaurs having died during the flood estimated 4000 years ago and putting the 6000 year old earth as a viable explanation. Bee in Amber Video

Gravity was not accepted by science at first, especially in France. Galileo didn’t agree with the idea but he had to submit. There are letters that show Galileo was threatened into obedience. There is overwhelming scientific evidence for the flat-earth model that is suppressed. Phd Professors and physicists that study the reality of the world as a topographical plane and are making discoveries all the time, but can’t get their papers published. For example the French physicist Lissajou did sound frequency tests using a dome model and they mimic the phenomenon we see in the sky.

There are mysteries about our history that seem to hide free energy and previous “resets”, even here in America. The timelines don’t seem to make sense with the architecture alongside the tools or technological status of the times they tell us. Horse and buggies on muddy streets next to magnificent cathedrals. This makes the conspiracy of secret societies seem all the more relevant to research. How come the Antikythera Mechanism seems to come out of nowhere from a shipwreck and there are no artifacts of others existing? There has been history hidden.

Ultimately this comes to be a debate not just in the mind for evidences, but in the emotional and spiritual realm. If we choose to accept the evidence, are we willing to accept that we’ve been lied to? What I can tell you is that it takes intellectual honesty and humility to look into this issue and it is a personal endeavor. You must come to a conclusion of your own because it’s up to you to let go of the ball. It is not at all a “blind faith” to accept the earth being flat and stationary, it’s much more so a “blind faith” to believe the globe model. The truth is that the globe model has the burden of proof, not flat-earth. I don’t feel it’s now my job to convince people about this, but I think it’s important to tell they’ve been lied to. It all effects us too much. I feel led to at least tell my testimony of how I came to this conclusion of a flat earth and encourage others to research it. I feel the Holy Spirit leading me in writing all this.

Revelation 12:11-17

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”

When I started connecting the dots by looking at the evidence for myself, I began to accept it, it was impossible for me to refute, it was like a demonic oppression released its grip on my mind. I feel more connected to God than I ever have before, each day, with a new outlook on where we are and what the Bible says. God is literally the Most High and above us!

“But it was Solomon who built the house for Him. However, the Most High does not dwell in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says: ‘Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. ”

Acts 7:48

The Bible says the earth is stationary, circular (not like a ball, but flat like drawn out with compass), and has a dome above us. (Firmament). The earth was pressed out like clay, stamped like with a ring.

“It is changed like clay under a seal (signet ring), until its colors are fixed like those of a garment.”

– Job 38:14

We should be letting the Bible speak for itself instead of having pagan scientists tell us we need to re-interpret it differently to fit what they force on us. The Bible will always stand true over the test of time. They tried to put the word “globe” in place of “circle” in earlier days, but God wasn’t having it.

It’s important to note that there are obviously a lot of questions about how our world works. The Flat Earth model doesn’t claim to have answers to them all at this point in time, but the more I learn, I am baffled at how things actually DO work and the world becomes extremely fascinating. I would also suggest it’s better to still be in a state of wonder and theorize about how things work rather than pretend to know and make things up to fit a with what we might want philosophically. How about how we know for a fact a gyroscope keeps a plane level to the ground. If it was a globe spinning 1000mph in one direction, you would need all the runways a certain direction and they don’t account for this. Jets can fly 50ft over the water at mach 2 and stay level, they do not nose the plane down. If they made any mistake to not staying level then the plane would crash. They never nose the plane down. If the earth had curvature, it would need to. The plane flys parallel to the earth and the operating manuals say to fly as if the earth is a flat and stationary plane. Where is the curve?

“The Flat Earthist, working along forgotten paths, finds many orthodox theories and speculations to be false, which over the years have been taught as facts. This surely is where ‘assertion outstripping evidence’ becomes dangerous and if forced into young minds, a crime.”

Samuel Shenton, ‘Blunder or Crime?’, Channel (1962)

When you go down these rabbit holes, you find out the government agencies has their hands in more than most people might think. J.P Morgan high-jacked the free-energy. And just look at the logos of “free-services” like Gmail, Google Chrome, and Facebook. The logos reflect their connection to Freemasonry. Stay away from all the media propaganda and don’t let them persuade you to fear. I know all this sounds stranger than fiction, but I believe it to be true. Everything makes more sense once you accept this truth.

I thank God that He woke me up to this and I pray that whoever reads this will be woken up as well. God is above us and He looks down from heaven with love for us. He doesn’t want us deceived, but he allows this for a short season.

Look up.

I learn of evidence daily as I research, so I’ll try to keep adding to this page.

“Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.”

– Werner Heisenberg

Wake Up

General Notes

Equations of Motion in Machine Manuals
In operating machines like helicopters, their manuals use flat, non-rotating Earth math and they clearly state it. “The helicopter equations of motion are given in body axes with respect to a flat, non-rotating Earth.” – NASA gov website.

Radio wave distances
The long distance records for radio waves show contradictory story. They can go over 10,000 miles horizontally. It is all electromagnetic radiation. See Transatlantic Radio Signals article about Signal Hill in 1901. They expected the signal to be blocked around 200 miles. They were baffled it went 2200 miles. So they made up the concept that it must have been bouncing off the ionosphere. “Skywave Propagation”. According to what they say about the frequencies of radio waves that can bounce off the ionosphere, 40 MHz and above shouldn’t work, but tests show frequencies in the 100s that go over 2500 miles.

See long distance records on official National Association Radio website.
Long distances Records

Reception of Transatlantic Radio Waves
They didn’t think it work but since it did, they THEORIZED that it must be bouncing off the ionosphere since they wouldn’t accept a flat earth.

Antikythera Mechanism (Clock)
Clock where gears calculate ratios of everything we see in sky. Our world operates exactly like a clock. Large gear with 254 teeth, smaller gear with 19 teeth. 30 gear wheels. Represents sky, luminaries, years, sun, moon, a miniature representation of the cosmos. Antikythera was a geocentric astronomer. Though there is evidence this technology was from much earlier. Eclipses repeat every 18 years. Archimedes was an engineer, astronomer and mathematician connected to this mechanism. Names of mechanisms from where he was in Sicily. His were similar to Antikythera mechanism. Though they think this knowledge of technology must be much older than the Greeks because it just appeared out of nowhere. Makes it seem that it was intentionally destroyed and hidden since even top archeologists tried to overlook the finding. Found in ocean from a shipwreck. The Antikythera clock is accurate to within 1 degree in 500 years. Meaning accurate to within half a second a year which in comparison to today’s watches they loose 3 seconds per day! Meaning they loose that 1 percent accuracy in only 80 days compared to 500 years.

16 Emergency Landings Book
– 16 examples of evidence that prove a flat earth map makes much more sense, the landings are unreasonable on a globe.

They use flat Cartesian coordinate system. It maps out around start position and then gets where it’s going not based on any curve, just tracks where they are. Arch distance math doesn’t do anything with curvature or spin of earth. No ‘over the horizon’ weapon uses any curvature of the earth calculation, it’s all based on Cartesian coordinate system.

“In geometry, a Cartesian coordinate system in a plane is a coordinate system that specifies each point uniquely by a pair of real numbers called coordinates, which are the signed distances to the point from two fixed perpendicular oriented lines, called coordinate lines, coordinate axes or just axes of the system.”

– They do not need to take curvature into account when building long bridges etc. You can see long bridges that go for miles parallel to the water. Surveyors say the books tell them to account for it but it always comes out being flat anyways after they do all the math so they basically ignore it. (they do things in 1002miles it is completely neglected, anything longer they just do another segment.)

The horizon
– Horizon means “horizontal”, which means it needs to be parallel to something.
– Horizon is merely an apparent location. Not an actual location. In the globe model it would have to be an actual physical location.
– The horizon is defined as where the sky appears to meet the ground.
– The ‘ship over the horizon’ is totally debunked with zoom cameras today. You can see way further than they said you’d be able to because of a curve. The disappearing effect is just perspective.

– It is just perspective, there are many tests you can do yourself to show how this works. The sun moves away from you and it looks like it’s going down like street lights would on a long road, then it merges with the horizon which is as far as you can see. Plenty of video evidence showing it fades into the atmosphere, not over a curved earth. Put a video camera on a table, set up a flat line in the air, put an object on the line and run it across, see on video it looks like a sunset.

– With todays amateur video cameras you can zoom in on stars and see them as beautiful shimmering lights as if in water. They must not have expected we would have technology this advanced when they lied about how far away the stars are. (See still shot of video of stars).

Lights with camera tests
– People do these all the time on YouTube. They set up a camera and put lights at the same line of sight miles away on ice, then they calculate what the curvature should be. On an 8 mile distance the math says it should be 20ft bellow and out of sight, but it is perfectly visible and at the same height. They did this in a documentary on Netflix, but the creators had sold the rights to Netflix and Netflix edited it to sound like the test failed. The creators are battling it out with them. It’s surprising to me that they would trust Netflix at all with this, but maybe the creators didn’t realize who they are dealing with.

Mirror flashes
– Need to be at same height to get them. (Direct line of sight). Claim it’s been done far beyond what globe curvature would allow.

Occult in Government
– Numerous proofs of political leaders involvement with the occult and Freemasonry. Learn and see how they set up DC layout for pagan rituals. Jefferson requested the buildings all honor the greek gods. (Can be found on official government website). Most if not all the astronauts are Freemasons
– Ex-High Satanic Wizard gave testimony of attending Bohemian Grove to meet with elites to help do their bidding for global control. Also attended Bilderberg group. Witnessed them discussing plandemic and how to get them to wear masks. I came across video of what appears to be an old picture with people wearing masks and a sign around their neck saying they will be arrested if they don’t wear one. I think this has to do with ritual or to make us not appear as individuals or see each other as significant individuals.

Clues in plain sight
– All the Freemasonry in DC architecture
– Secret societies are in the colleges and every facet of society. (George Bush Skull and Bones etc.)
– They tell us plainly, but we don’t see it because it hides in the open.
– There will be a “Great Reset.”

Environmental Handbook – 1970
– Famous essay that set tone for environmental movement.
– Says Christianity is the problem. Says we need a new religion and to leave Christianity behind. The book has Smokey the Bear chanting spells and for others to do so also to crush Christianity like putting out cigarettes in the country.

Deception Timeline
– All the timeline evidence of deception with NASA and governments, Operation Paperclip, Operation Highjump, Operation Fishbowl, etc.

Planes and helicopters
– They fly them flat where on a globe you’d have to drop as you fly. Think about jets how fast the fly and low to the ground but they are flying straight, not dropping down. You can’t say gravity because they are defying gravity when flying.
– Pilots have been on hidden camera saying it’s flat as a pancake
– If the earth is rotating then a helicopter could go straight up in the air and wait for earth to rotate, come back down in a different location. There is no evidence that gravity would keep the helicopter lined up with the surface of the earth where it departed. Where would the additional energy come from to be rotating the helicopter with it? Similarly an airplane could take off in the direction of rotation and go the same speed of the earth rotation and not get anywhere, or if they flew against rotation they would increase their distance in shorter time.

Captain Cook
– Tried to circumnavigate Antartica and it took 3.5 years and tracked 65,000 miles. We know the equator is 24,901 around. So this makes sense on flat earth map. Much longer. Globe shows Antarctica would be smaller than equator.

Prague Clock
– This clock in Prague used to have a flat earth map in the center, but they updated it recently to show a globe sphere.
– It is an astronomical clock that can track everything.

Mirosław Hermaszewski
“Polish cosmonaut, fighter plane pilot, and Polish Air Force officer. He became the first and, at the time of his death in December 2022, only Polish national to ever go to space when he flew aboard the Soviet Soyuz 30 spacecraft in 1978.” – In an interview he says “I assure you, it’s flat” : Video Link

Pavel Kroupa
He is not a ‘Flat Earther’, but says Dark Matter HAS to be real for Einstein’s theory of Relativity and Gravity to be correct, but there is evidence now that Dark Matter is not real.

Dayton Miller
Did same test as Michelson–Morley experiment and said it was not instrumental error. Did 5million measurements.
Dayton Miller Explained

Roger Penrose
Famous Nobel Prize winner in Physics writing book about “inflation”, which concerns flatness “problem”.

Terrance Howard
Walter Russell’s Periodic Chart – Predicted elements before they were discovered by using his chart using frequency and vibration. He says there’s no gravity or need for relativity, but it’s all electric draft, but thinks it’s all spheres. Everything is waves, nothing is completely at rest. His models are circles, but doesn’t realize in geocentric model it would be sacred geometry.

Things that make you go “hhmmm”:
-This website shows earth population they expect and they estimate large decrease in population.

-Trump mentions “beautiful gold domes” in debate with Biden. In my research it sounds like the domes have something to do with free energy.


Greek Mythology

See floor plans of greek god temples:

Hyperborea, the mystical land of eternal spring, venerated Apollo above all the gods.

Among the Pythagoreans, the study of mathematics and music were connected to the worship of Apollo, their principal deity

“The fool on the hill sees the world spinning round.”
– The Beatles, probably knew as they respected Crowley

Black Mirrors – Scrying Mirrors – ‘Spirit mirror’ used by 16th-century occultist John Dee came from the Aztec Empire. Our phones? “Dee, whom Elizabeth I called “my philosopher,” used the mirror in attempts to talk to ghosts…Though Dee was a scientist and mathematician, his interests also swung toward the magical and mystical, and in addition to the spirit mirror, he owned other objects related to astrology, divination, alchemy and the exploration of “demonic magic,” scientists reported Oct. 7 in the journal Antiquity.”

The show Black Mirror is showing the future like a scrying mirror. Makes me think of our black screen “smart” phones.

Rainbows and sun dogs make more sense in a dome.

Note worthy quotes

“We will see some who are so deranged, not only in religion but who in all things reveal their monstrous nature, that they will say that the sun does not move, and that it is the earth which shifts and turns. When we must see such minds we must indeed confess that the devil posses them, and that God sets them before us as mirrors, in order to keep us in his fear.”
– John Calvin, “Sermon on 1 Corinthians 10:19-24”, Calvini Opera Selecta, Corpus Refomatorum, Vol 49, 677

“…a very few days after the pure Sun of that most wonderful study began to shine, nothing retrains me; it is my pleasure to yield to the inspired frenzy, it is my pleasure to taunt mortal men with the candid acknowledgment that I am stealing the golden vessels of the Egyptians to build a tabernacle to my God from them, far, far away from the boundaries of Egypt…I cast the die, and I write the book.”
– Johannes Kepler, Book V; Of the Harmony of the World (1619), Trans. E.J Acton (1997) .391

“There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must…invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth.”
– Martin Luther, Tabletalk (1539)

“The Encyclopedia was the flame of the Enlightenment, the fulfillment of Cardinal Wolsey’s dream of flooding the world with print containing “learning against learning”.
– F. Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil (2001), 117.

“I am much afraid that the universities will prove to be the great halls of hell, unless they cogently labour in explaining the Holy Scriptures, and engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the scripture do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not unceasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.”
– Martin Luther , 1520

“Quite often young people ask me the following question, “How can you be a priest and believe in the Big Bang?” To which I am delighted to reply “We invented it! Or more precisely, Fr Georges Lemaitre invented the theory that today is called the “Big Bang”and every should know about him.”
– Andrew Pinsent, “Fr Georges Lemaitre, the Priest Who Discovered the “Big Bang”.

“No physical experiment ever proved that the earth actually is in motion.”
– Lincoln Barnett ‘The Universe and Dr. Einstein.” 1957

‘Science cannot shout us down,’ he declared; orbiting was a delusion and landing on the moon a fantasy because ‘The moon’s transparent, you know.’ Shenton refused to believe such a feat was possible, but even if it was he thought astronauts ‘had better be ready to come right back’ as ‘stars have been seen through the moon’ and there ‘isn’t anything much to land on’.
Flat Earth – The History of an Infamous Idea – Samuel Shenton